
One man's clunker is another man's masterpiece

Carol is a masterclass in nuance and restraint; 45 Years feels more like an awkward improv exercise.

Not at all - the Katya discovery is the thrust of the narrative. I'm talking the awkwardness with which Haigh tries to establish a shared history. It's been a while now since I saw it, but off the top of my head it's unsophisticated character-building dialogue like "you always did like reading history books", as well

This was really flat, flaccid stuff. The writing was excruciatingly bad - line after line of forced clunky exposition, and never a sense that these characters existed between scenes, let alone had a shared history of 45 years. On top of it all, the casting was mismatched and the marriage felt completely inauthentic.

Yeah sure, that argument probably holds for Joy. But there's no reason her role in SLP couldn't have gone to someone like Amy Adams, especially with a draw like Cooper in the lead. Her tiny supporting part in AH, too, could have been played by about a million older actresses.

At the same time - there's no shortage of great parts for beautiful blonde 23 year olds in Hollywood. Surely it's a bit insulting that DOR keeps giving these meaty parts for 40 year old women to someone so absurdly young for it?

She was nominated for - and won - dozens of major awards for AH.

Wahlberg barely registers in The Fighter - he's totally overshadowed by Melissa Leo and Christian Bale schticking it up. Weird film.

She's a hugely talented actress when she's playing her age, but why he keeps writing her as a melodramatic jaded middle-aged woman in these flicks is beyond me. Why she keeps winning awards for them is an even bigger question.

It was just a hollow if occasionally entertaining Scorsese pastiche.

All of David O. Russell's recent films are incoherent and sloppy and cartoonish and feature Jennifer Lawrence in a role she's at least 10 years too young for. I don't understand the general awards success of these flicks at all - the guy has no identity and if I wanted to watch a troupe of over-eager miscast thesps

Super annoying the way it keeps cutting back to Robin Williams

Cool idea and slickly executed, shame about the writing and acting though. And would it have been so hard to find a real Australian, or someone who could at least approximate the accent?

Quantum is a solid outing, I think in time people will appreciate it more.

I was more confused about Madeleine Swann's wardrobe, given that she joined Bond in a hurry. Why pack an evening gown?

Pretty sure that was just in the trailer

Her sudden declaration of love was ridiculous even by Bond standards. But yes, the treatment of Belluci in this film is both degrading and a massively wasted opportunity.

The beginning of DAD is wicked.

Yeah and the way David Arnold incorporates it into the main body of the score works beautifully.

Miss Stephanie Broadchest!