
Another bizarrely negative write-up from someone who seems to love to hate this show. The roast was mostly solid, and the lipsync was one of the best of the season.

Can we get someone who actually likes the show to do these pieces? This was easily the strongest episode of the season. Some great drama, a fun challenge, memorable lipsync.


You know something's wrong when the comments are less absurdly hateful than the actual article.

I usually enjoy the AV Club DR recaps, but there's a real viciousness to them this year that I'm finding hard to stomach. This isn't so much a write-up as it is an extended attack on Kimora. For such a joyous show, it sure does bring out the worst in people.

Isn't it a reference to Roxxxy Andrews' Season 5 gaffe?

ScarJo in particular couldn't be any more miscast. Mind-boggling.

All that effort to make this look awesome and they ruin it with pointless half-assed celebrity voice work. Those animals sound RIDICULOUS.

He insists on artlessly imposing his presence in every shot rather than letting story and performance carry the film. His grasp of visual storytelling is non-existent.

He's just the worst. I consider his work on Les Miserables to be one of the worst pieces of screen direction in decades. Just totally inept and tasteless.

Danish Girl sets LGBT cinema back 10 years.

The Artist was 15 minutes of meaningless content stretched out to feature length for absolutely no reason. Awful phoney piece of shit.

Williams phoned it in on TFA, I'm surprised to see him nominated. Morricone's score was brilliant, best part of the film. This award is his to lose.

I enjoyed it for what it was but found it fairly unremarkable by Spielberg standards. I thought Rylance was the only notable thing about it really.

Category fraud. Happens all the time.

She did well considering the clunky material but Rampling always just plays Rampling.

It was a self-indulgent mashup of Reservoir Dogs and Django Unchained?

It was overlong and sloppy?

They found room in Best Picture for the TV-movie Brooklyn and Spielberg-phone-in Bridge of Spies but not Carol?

He probably should have just released it as a stage play in the first place, would've been a more satisfying experience.