
I have a soft spot for Octopussy but find Live and Let Die borderline unwatchable. Meh.

He's very weak in this, but he has almost nothing to work with. The film treats him as an afterthought.


Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only are the only decent Bonds Moore ended up with - Spy being one of the very best of the whole series.

It also has an awesome score and two great theme songs going for it.

I'm in the minority that loves Tomorrow Never Dies, maybe more than Goldeneye. Either way, seems dumb to totally dismiss the Brosnan era. At least at their worst they were never boring, which is more than can be said about Spectre.

What, no Moonraker?

Haha, and I suppose your penchant for fallacy is why you're not either. Enjoy fapping off to Roger Moore one-liners, smartass.

Super disinterested in wasting my time digging through quotes. You've seen the film - if you don't like it you don't like it. For my part I'll be surprised if we ever see characters and writing of that quality anytime soon in a Bond film, but I suppose the source material had a lot to do with it.

Dr No has its charms I guess but I agree. It's mostly just very dated. I usually skip it.

I feel like the exchange you quoted proves my point more than yours but whatever floats your boat.

He had two awesome Bond films, and even the turds that followed at least had some personality.

Can't remember off the top of my head, but Vespa and Bond throw some great little digs at eachother. Their chemistry is fantastic - the best since Tracy Bond. That film has a subtler humour to it than most Bonds, but it's the most elegantly funny of any of the modern entries.

She does well with truly awful material, but there's literally zero chemistry between her and Craig and her character is criminally underdeveloped.

Casino Royale has a wonderful script. Tight, character driven, sharp, and occasionally very witty.

Can you imagine how great an actual Hitchcock Bond would have been? Sigh.

Quantum isn't a bad Bond at all, and is much better than Spectre.

Goldfinger is massively uneven and more than a little bit stupid. People's nostalgia clouds their judgement on that one - From Russia With Love is Connery's only great Bond film.

For those of us who avoided reading Pandora's spoiler, why are you posting it here?

I can't think of a more consistently underwhelming queen than Trixie. For all her talk of being a comedy queen, she was rarely more than a look and her constant defensiveness got old fast.