
Man, wasn't that a good performance? They gave Emmy reel caliber material to a side character. I hope this bodes well for the headliners; I can imagine some great stuff like that with Laura and Shadow, as well as Wednesday and Shadow and Media and Shadow. Shadow just gets talked at a lot, is what I'm saying.

You ain't kidding. Never made time to watch the show, but hot damn is that credits sequence some kind of gorgeous.

Please god. Mads Mikkelsen as one of the Agents. Or Mads Mikkelsen as Bielebog.

That, the Crocodile Bar, the airport scene; just absolutely gorgeous use of color and lighting, and it's half of what got me on board with the show to begin with, knowing I could expect Bryan Fuller at his level best.

You gotta know it's done with a wink, though. Like, between that and the Viking battle, there's just no way it's not tongue-in-cheek.

Ricky Whittle is still finding his balance with Shadow as far as I'm concerned; maybe a bit too "injured heartthrob" right now. But he's got the gravitas to pull it off, if you ask me.

I laughed audibly when I realized it was Freddy. Then I stopped laughing when he got into the serious phase of what worship means.

I was a little torn on him in his first scene, since he seemed just like "seedy prison asshole". But his second scene with the birdhouse assembly blew me away with how perfect the casting is.

I do vaguely recall that being part of Wednesday's vernacular, but it could just be Ian McShane filling the role with his Ian McShaneness.

I mean, at least he won't have much screentime.

If anything this show requires a little bit of extra intelligence to even follow.

Also supertitled "Protect Ya Neck", which is something you should do on trampolines.

Good for all involved - except of course Mr. O'Reilly. Side note: I can only imagine the firestorm of ironic tweets if Allstate - they of "Are you in good hands?" slogans - kept its ads on there.

Oh, not, not Infinite Jest. :' (

Gotta really put those new all-weather tires on the '68 Camaro to the test, ya dig?

Goddamnit, guys, he was trying to be tactful.

Man, I would be tempted to give this one a straight up, unqualified A rating. Ragnar and Egbert talking was seriously - with the exception of maybe some telegraphed drunkenness - one of the most compelling hours of TV this year.

I was waiting for the head nod that would cue the snipers.

A dude who never ages and resets every time, who resists violence and relies on ingenuity because he caused a terrible, violent accident… with an English accent. Your "Pacifist Bond" might be a certain Time Lord.

Goddamned Alien: Isolation. I agree with the above that horror games are just so much more bloody challenging.