
Thanks for the Serious Man drop-in there, Noel. ACCEPT THE MYSTAHY.

I loved him against Lascelles. When Lascelles is trying to order him out of the room as a "servant" and Childermass' face is all "you idiot, I'm trying to keep this old man from getting us all killed".

His mid-aughts stuff got largely ignored by outsiders to the genre. It was gorgeous, but I think it was really clear who it was for. Or at least, it would have been to somebody coming from metal. I mean, "Chicago" was soundtracking movies and TV commercials around that time. Everybody had some exposure to it and a

I'm waiting for it a bit, seeing if I start welling up like I did after Casimir Pulaski Day. His earlier stuff - Seven Swans, Illinois and Michigan go down as some of my favourites, but they were more straightforward than this, I think. This isn't embellished in the way Adz was - I like the description of Sufjan as a

I'm sorry!

Hey AV Club - Gonzalez is not Alejandro Inarritu's middle name. Spanish last names are always two parts - the first last name is his dad's, the second last name is his mom's. He would more often go by "Alejandro Gonzalez" if he had to pick one.

Erik, you read the gallery scene as Louie sending up the pretension of installation art, but try it again picturing Louie basically saying "My show is like this installation art." I mean, this is the same episode where he reminds us that his wife his black and his kids are as white as high fantasy elves. And there's

It was almost frame for frame "The Goy's Teeth". Firstly, we're talking a spiritually tormented guy consulting with a medical professional in both cases (dentist one, surgeon the other). Also, Gus IS talking to a rabbi. Then there's the fact it's all told in voiceover narration with the characters in the vignette

Okay, yeah. My GF has been a religious viewer of this show forever and I, reluctantly, converted. Tina was my gateway drug, delivering all the best non-sequitirs and being oblivious and unpretentious in a way that gave her a butt-lovin' everyman vibe. But after learning to appreciate Tina my attentions definitely