Chaddy the Swag Daddy

yeah he sucks ass

What a terrible show. That idiot wilkin was like "hey guys the Knights of Rosula are very skilled so we need all the warriors we can get" and then this show rehashes its cliché garbage of the good guys completely obliterating the bad guys, for fuck's sake the entire Knights Rosula got slaughtered and only four fucking

You know you want this chin chin swag babe

come on baby

I am tho

I don't get how Athelstan so willingly killed the Wessex soldiers who were just trying to defend the Church of Winchester from Ragnar and his band of murderers, thieves, and rapists.

That's not very nice. Throughout this entire conversation, not once have I belittled you or insulted you, yet you have done so to me. That is very immature and unbecoming of a real man, danny. What you're imagining is pure fallacy. Honestly, you seem to be pretty jealous of me, that's why you're throwing insults my

No lmfao danny I wouldn't hit my fiancée for not wanting to have sex (even tho it hasn't happened yet ;) m8 ) . Also, you're not reading well. I said if I was in the time period of Vikings, I would use physical discipline against my wife. I do support physical discipline as a concept, but I wouldn't hit my fiancée. We

No, you're allowed to physically discipline your child. Beating your child is assault, a simple slap on the back isn't. Nor is it battery. Once again, man, I was disciplined physically a few times, and it made me a better man.

I support using physical discipline for certain occasions. My parents used to slap my back a few times when I stepped out of line, and I turned out just fine. High school valedictorian, summa cum laude in college, drug-free, alcohol-free, living in a nice condo with a lovely fiancée. I don't advocate senseless

I didn't say I would spank my wife lol the assumption game is strong danny boy

I hope Torvi and Bjorn get executed for adultery.

You should seek help, since you seem to condone betrayal and deception.

lmfao I didn't say I would horrifically mutilate women, gtfo bud. I support corporeal punishment, yes. It seems to me like you would just happily allow your wife to cheat on you, maybe even bake her a congratulations cake after.

I don't support beating my wife in the current time period. If I was in the Viking era, if I were Aethelwulf, Judith would receive a thorough asswhooping. If your wife cheats on you and gets knocked up by another dude, you don't just say "oh no this sucks, oh well I guess I can't do anything about it now", you

So basically you either condone adultery or support no punishment for it smh

You wrote "okay, sure". That means you agree.

glad you agree

Yeah but Aethelwulf is a baller, Judith is not.

This show is so much better than The Walking Dead.