Chaddy the Swag Daddy

I hate Ragnar, and his adultery is one of the many reasons why.

Yes, we can, actually. We can assume he's innocent, because innocent until proven guilty. If Aethelwulf did cheat, then yes, he should be punished. Not punished to the same degree that Judith was, but punished nonetheless. Men, especially nobles, were expected to sire many sons, but to have a woman, a princess, bear

She had to be punished.

We haven't seen him commit adultery, so we can't assume he actually did. Judith knowingly cheated on her husband and got pregnant. Aethelwulf is innocent, his adulterous wife is not

She needed to be punished.

That doesn't make you a monster. It makes you normal. Anyone who was on Judith's side supports adultery.

Glad Athelstan died. He slept with Judith, a married woman, so I'm glad Floki killed him. Would have been better if Aethelwulf did it tho

I was cheering the whole time during the slaughter of those filthy Norse pagans. Go Aethelwuf, go Ecbert.
Wessex Strong