
I grew up in Cologne so I was getting ready to nitpick… but nope, I've got nothing!

I'm pretty sure that he and (especially) his supporters will see impeachment as a dastardly coup by those evil liberals… Nothing will be learned and the tone will become even more aggressive.

When Leigh Brackett was writing the screenplay, Empire originally had some sub-plot about Han Solo looking for his estranged father.

Funny, we once opened our luggage to find that a plastic comb had melted during the flight…

I remember reading he was in league with the robbers in the original script… What is it with uncles?

Also, there's kind of a precedent with Tataouine in Tunisia

So it'll be part of the Big Fish Cinematic Universe?

It's really hard to screw up a caricature of Hitchcock but somehow they managed.

Sure beats watching him trying to be president.

Yeah, that line tripped me up, too… following the link it turns out it's a specific illustrated edition of the book that inspired the project.

Lest we forget, before Shrek and Toy Story 2, there was freakin' Mulan that ended with a dance party.

So apparently Barcelona is in Oz? I guess it makes sense to use something like Dubrovnik for fantasy shoots but isn't Gaudì's stuff a bit too recognizable? Maybe just for Europeans?

Yeah, it'll be really tough to do this justice in one movie.

Seconded. It's just so damn charming… And the Mancini score doesn't hurt.

Watching episodes of that show on YouTube seriously helped me get through a difficult phase of my life. That said, I'm not sure it'd be enough right now…

Yes, my mind is slightly blown by this.

Both me and my wife still have our original Mega Drive/Genesis consoles and I'm pretty sure they're both still working fine…

Met him years ago at an event in France… I probably didn't appreciate his influence at the time (I mostly knew he wrote the Electrical Parade music) but that didn't seem to bother him. He seemed happy that people knew about him at all. We got a photo together, chatted for a bit and he signed a CD. Very cool guy. RIP

Yeah, the 1974 is one of me and my wife's guilty pleasures for all its flaws and hamminess… We also love the Suchet series but that episode just seemed incredibly dreary in comparison. Maybe it's time for a rewatch, though.

Yeah, he was pretty much against using twists, wasn't he? But hey, Hitchcock, Shyamalan… same difference.