
*Kinja jumps on BelaTrix's boat*

Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies
Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain…

Ugh… Just when I have to go back to work…

My in-laws are Italian, they live in the deepest South of Italy. The everyday food there is great to begin with but for all the big holidays (especially Easter) it's a five to seven course meal for the assembled family, pulling out all the stops. It has to be one of those.

Our daughter is a fussy eater and for the longest time we wondered what we were doing wrong… But actually, so were both her parents as kids (in fairly different environments) so we probably shouldn't have been too surprised! She already eats pretty healthy with the occasional transgression so now we just try to nudge

Yeah, generally it seems to be directors or story artists doing temp voices that everyone gets accustomed to during production, and then no professional voice actor manages to match that personality.

Chris Sanders as Stitch

Well, as that Han Solo movie taught us, it's never too late… (though, yeah, not sure if that was the right thing…)

Yeah, TFA pretty much gave me what I'd hoped the prequels would, i.e. more time to spend in this world I loved with a fun new group of characters.

ANCIENT alien magic!

Yeah, I totally get why they changed it. I just really like the vibe of that alternate ending and always felt that Scott and Ramona didn't have a whole lot of chemistry in the film…

That's the one that came to mind for me, too. Also, for all the problems it entails, I really love the cut ending with Scott and Knives getting back together…

Hey, it could have been J.J. Abrams for all they knew.

I listen to both quite a lot but Pet Sounds tends to fade into the background while Sgt. Pepper's will pretty much command my attention every single time.

Thanks, I've been meaning to watch that – I'll have a look!

Finally got around to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I enjoyed it on the whole, laughed out loud a few times, but during the final battle some fatigue set in… I guess there's only so much drawn-out big, loud and busy fantasy action I can tolerate. Loved the Pac-Man bit, though!

I hear that it's a place where nothing… nothing ever happens. So I guess not.

I only saw a handful of episodes but I remember there was one where Hasselhoff dreams he's on Gilligan's Island, with some of the original cast? I only knew the cartoon as a kid so it struck me as weird that A) they'd even pay tribute to that and B) they'd hire this really old guy to play Gilligan…

Enjoy! It's not the most beautiful city (though hundreds of local songs would have you believe otherwise) but it's a really pleasant place to hang out.

There's an age-old rivalry between Cologne and Düsseldorf (the two biggest cities in their region) and the citizens of one will tell you that everything in the other is awful, perhaps with some slight hint of exaggeration.