
My mind was ever so slightly blown when I first read that the rhythm of the theme spelled out "M.I." in morse code…

Hey, worked for catholic churches for centuries…

On the other hand, Baker and Peter Mayhew seem to have gotten along really well which is just somehow adorable…

The man never baited a click in his life.

Also, despite what Snyder may think, the First Order were not the good guys in TFA.

Pronounced "Alexit" for some reason…

I knew about him from the Franco-Belgian "Lucky Luke" comics… They were mostly meant to be parodies of cowboy tropes but the editions I read had a last page explaining historical context with old photos and woodcuts. So that's where I learnt most of my American history…

*looks at Tara Strong cosplaying as Harley Quinn for… um, for reassurance, yeah…*

Yeah, the sad truth is that Peter Mayhew can't really walk all that well without his (lightsaber) cane anymore.

Except that they give all the coins drained from rides and other water features to charity.

No, it's an Italian porn star. (For some reason they changed the title in parts of Europe…)

To be fair, you'd get that look in any store in Europe.

For some reason I'm reminded that House also had a punk rock episode, and that Jeremy Renner played the punk rocker.

I know a little German.

A few weeks ago I watched Bridge of Spies and Man from UNCLE while flying from Adenauer airport in Bonn via Berlin to JFK… That was my personal unplanned Cold War Day.

Agreed. Wasn't he originally considered for the role? I always got the feeling he was their first choice but the studio wanted someone better known.

Yeah, I read that too as a kid. It was a comic book based on a cartoon series based on a movie based on a comic book…

In Verona, Italy. I think he went there every year for a while… There's also a DVD of an earlier concert.

I was fortunate to have been to a concert of Morricone conducting a selection of his soundtracks 5 years ago. Seeing The Ecstasy of Gold performed live in an ancient Roman arena was an experience I won't forget too soon.

But wouldn't that basically just be The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck?