
Or rocks.

They could easily have done a smooth, high quality hologram effect with 70s tech but I actually really like that most of the "common" Star Wars technology looks like it's cheap and disposable.

When I grew up his shorts were on TV all the time…

It does.

Just saw it and enjoyed it a great deal. I suppose the criticism is spot-on but I actually feel that this return to the roots is exactly what Star Wars needed at this point.

Also, I think he chose the key of the main theme specifically to go with the Fox fanfare.

They didn't literally close the borders. It basically just meant checking passports and vehicles.

I completely missed those changes, having bowed out of the EU around the time the prequels hit, and couldn't fathom why the ships which were always called Super Star Destroyers (even in the freaking movies) suddenly had a different name when I looked them up again.

Yeah, IIRC she even appeared in the Flying Ace stories, as a red cross nurse.

Let's not forget Sir Billi…

Like my raincoat!

I've watched this a lot on VHS as a kid and somehow, until today, had no idea it was directed by ZAZ…

Well, it's not just because they're 1st person accounts… There are frequent references to the fact that Watson writes and publishes those stories; even if they're all supposedly based on "real" cases at least once Holmes scolds him for not strictly adhering to facts in his writing.

"…here, the stories about Holmes that Roger loves are fictionalized exploits of an actual detective, written by his friend John Watson. (Essentially, this is a universe where Watson is Doyle.)"

Or different lighting in black & white films.

They used some (instrumental) elements of the song in the "Define Dancing" scene IIRC.

When I moved to France years after having learned a little French in school, his all-French standup show was one of the things I watched to try and get back into it.

For me the problem isn't people talking but one of the seniors in my office listens to the blandest pop songs at a really low volume all day. I'm sure that's classified as torture in Geneva.

American Gods? Decent take on Small Gods. And so on.