Yoh D. Uzumaki

Like I said, I think it's somewhat plausible for now, but there's a very thin line between self penance and idiotic behaviour which this show has been known to screw up and also get right. I hope this case is the latter.

Even if it's ill conceived, it makes a lot of sense. I mean, the guy killed his brother. A huge problem last season was the lack of meaningful repercussions (cough,Havenrock), so I think it's good that they're treating that as the monumental event that it was.
I hope you're wrong about the reporter thing. And yeah,

Trust me, I did not say that lightly.

It's funny, because you seem to clearly know who they are and yet you mock me for it.
I never said anything about it not being realistic, I said the story is illogical and inconsistent. You could have a transvestite dragon in this show for all I care, as long as it's consistent with the characters and plot.

Honestly, I only really paid attention to the songs so I can't really comment on that.

It's not that I don't agree with what you're stating. It's just that I don't think it applies to the series.
Misty had no reason not to trust him, she did because the plot demanded it.
I can certainly agree with that but you're telling me that there isn't a single cop in the entire precinct that can do basic reasoning?

And 4 hours later they knew it hadn't been a gas leak. Even if Scarf erased the video, he can't erase the departments knowledge of the actual cause of the explosion. However, the police gave up after all they saw was a van leaving the scene with no discernible plates. It's reasurring to know that that's all the effort

I'm not saying that there aren't any reasons for what happens in the show. I'm saying those reasons are stupid and occur because the plot demands it, not because they make sense.
Misty starts believing he's guilty, the hot headed cops are too stupid to breathe, the public rallies behind the attack on a boy that

Yes, he has henchmen but he fired the rocket himself. There's no way someone get away with doing that without a federal and local investigation that wouldn't end until he was caught. It wasn't exactly hard to know who it was either, considering it happened hours after that money was locked up in evidence.

I think she gave him that blurry image to run through his contact and the next time that guy showed up he said that the software had Id him as Willis Striker, and then proceeded to hand over his folder.

But it did. The facial recognition software showed that Willis was the one that killed that cop. That's how Misty got his id. Yet somehow, that information didn't seem to clear Luke from the murder of the officer.

My problem isn't with the fact that they follow the investigation, it's how poorly they do it. Nobody stops to question the stupidity of Cage using gloves only to leave them in his apartment, or that he would leave screaming his name after killing a cop, or that facial recognizition software shows who did it, or the

He wasn't really being hunted until that cop was killed and the evidence against him in that murder case is also retarded, especially after delivering evidence against Cornell and telling Misty he wasn't going to kill him just a couple of hours before his murder.

Unless he invented teleportation, he would have had move a very large case up to that roof. He perpetuated a terrorist attack of no small scale mind you. Do you really think that wouldn't mobilize law enforcement until the culprit was caught? There's even an in universe example with the event in the first season of

The fact that it's coming out on 2016 is what suggests it. If that's not the case then throw the smallest hint of a different timeline. Either way, the timeline is a mess. And even if this events haven't taken place yet in universe, that doesn't mean us, the viewers, haven't seen them. So doing the same story yet

He didn't have to go meet him in person, he could've just called. Though honestly, that's a minor quibble at best so I don't mind that explanation.

Claire had already been fired so I don't think so. I assumed the Sokovia accords had already happened. Even if they haven't, Ultron certainly did.

That was my thinking in episode 9. By the end I was hate watching it.

I think it's more akin to the ones experienced by the Flash or Arrow. But instead of happening across multiple seasons, it happened across 7 episodes.

That's precisely my point. Even if we don't take into account DD or JJ, this has already been thoroughly explored in the movies and to a much larger degree, in Agents of Shield.
But even without that show, the Sokovia accords already exist. To go back to that well is not only tiresome, but also illogical. Vigilantes