Yoh D. Uzumaki

I feel like the waiting has made people's expectations unrealistic. So now they take anything that could be construed as a fault (for example, hyper violence) and make a case out of it, regardless of how baseless it is. Unless every episode is as fantastic as the first one (which would be insane), my guess is we're

It's not about his feelings for Ygritte. He never treated her as anything less than an equal and was never opposed to that part of the Wildlings culture. Given that she's the only female character Jon has ever interacted with (and that he's the one that gave Arya needle) I think it's safe to assume that he doesn't

Well, given that Jon would've died in the battle for Winterfell had it not been for her and that she literally won that battle, I say she's earned the right to be heard. I don't really like Sansa as a character, but she deserves to be heard.

I changed that line since I might have misread the scene. The conflict between them is still incredibly forced.

There's a difference between putting his foot down and antagonizing somebody for no reason. He put his foot down when he decided to forgive the Karstarks and the Umbreons. Telling Sansa she's an idiot just because is not the same.


Well, given that the explanation is SPOILERS that a white evil guy turned a japanese woman into the ideal western woman so that it would sell better, I'd argue that the movie makes a stand against white washing. Honestly, even the director of the original has said that this is a non issue. Focusing on the casting

B? Really? This has to be one of the worst movie adaptations of all time. The dialogue is so bad I swear to god I felt like I was getting a getting lobotomized with a screwdriver. It's not really Johansson's fault, I don't think anybody could have saved a script that bad, but the acting is terrible nonetheless. Every

I think this was the best episode of the season by far. Hell, it might even be the best episode of the show since the mid season finale of season 3. The performances from Amell and Segarra were fantastic.

Oh absolutely. I'm not saying she's like him. I'm saying; please don't become him.

Nine episodes in, I can assure you that his initial wooden performance is deliberate. His character arc so far is great, Possibly the best thing in the entire show.

That's the most ridiculous comparison I've ever read.
Enough with the casting thing. We get it, you disagree with it. Other people, myself included, think that casting an asian person for the role would have been both racist and an inaccurate portrayal of the character.
I may not always agree with you but you've shown

Thank you! I can't believe nobody else posted this line, it was hilarious.

I loved this episode and that flashback but I'm pretty sure it was a bit more brutal than Oliver used to be in order to really drive home Prometheus point. He killed every single one of the guards, even going so far as to execute one point black. He was a stone cold killer but he didn't finish henchmen left and right.

Why did you have to bring up POI? Thanks a lot.
Now I have to go cry in the corner for half an hour while I punch my CBS pillow.

I deleted the rest of the comment because I felt it came off more aggressive than I intended.

Dropped the show after a couple of episodes. Came back both times for the crossovers. I was severely dissapointed on both occasions.

Agree to disagree. That really is just a matter of taste. But other things, like a magical hatchet that appears on the roof of the RV or relying on the shock value of infected and slowly decapitated walkers, is what drags the show down. And that's not even mentioning Maggie's magical recovery. It's a lot of little

It's not about opening my mind. I've read the comics, I know where the story goes and I really like it. At the end of the Negan arc, all this nihilism pays off. But I think the shows execution is just laughably bad. The musical score of the grieving montage. The lack of physical presence from Jeffrey Dean Morgan. The

I'm with you regarding the reviewer but I can't say that the show plays to any of the strenghts that the story has. Honestly, this was just too bad. I know it's just my opinion and all, but seriously.