Yoh D. Uzumaki

I included the chest for that very reason. And while he did want to make him suffer, his character was also inconsistent about that.
He supposedly let Misty live so that he could use her to torment Luke. 20 minutes later he shoots to kill. Plot armor shredded any consistency Diamondback had.

He knew after the confrontation in the club and yet, he was still going to front Cornell the money for the bullets. Provided he fixed things with Domingo.

This series went from great to shit so fast that it defies reason. And it's such a shame too because he first half was so good.Sure, Luke killed Cotton mouth using gloves which he then threw away (still bloodied!) into his own trash can.
Diamondback was behind everything and hates Luke on a personal level but was

Telling that of the many subjects discussed in this thread and in the original post you chose to focus on this one alone. But I'll bite. She couldn't be given a position with actual responsabilities given her former position and the fact that she helped her clinched the nomination, which was in the emails that forced

My mistake, I thought this was an article about the DNC and the backlash it's suffering due to their decision to appoint Hillary as their candidate. Didn't know we had to make a formal declaration of everything that's wrong with Trump before we could talk about her.

It's almost as if people don't want to vote for a bought for politician that flip flops whenever there's a group that needs pandering. Maybe, just maybe, bernie supporters would have been more willing to vote for her if she hadn't appointed Wasserman Schultz to a position of power in her campaign after she had to

I like how you quickly changed the subject to avoid having to address all those things she's done regarding the policies you supposedly believe in, instead focusing on me "supporting Trump" even after I said that I hate him.

He isn't the one running, she is. Both her campaign funding and refusal to release the transcripts of her speeches are a clear indication that business will remain as usual if she's elected, with some minor makeup.

Politics are a dirty business, nobody is disputing that. But that can't mean one should accept the corporations candidate. Especially when there was a better option available. Lots of people go into politics to improve the world. You can get your hands dirty while doing it for the greater good.

Yeah, I'm sure that someone that doesn't wanna release the transcripts of the payed speeches she gave for Goldman Sachs is definitely going to raise the taxes on the wealthy. What else? Calling black kids super predators, opposing a 15$/h minimum wage, strongly opposing same sex marriage and saying that Nancy Reagan

Ah, the maturity argument. I didn't know maturity meant having to vote for someone that represents everything that's wrong with politics. When did pragmatism become synonimous with maturity? And no, it's not to say I told you so. If people insist on trapping us in a choice between retarded hitler and a corrupt

Sorry, I don't know why I read it that way. But yeah, I think you´re completely right.

It's almost as if people don't want to vote for a bought for politician that flip flops whenever there's a group that needs pandering. Maybe, just maybe, bernie supporters would have been more willing to vote for her if she hadn't appointed Wasserman Schultz to a position of power in her campaign after she had to

I just finished the episode and I just want to say: This. Fucking. Show.
As much as I would love to see a spin-off with Shaw, I think it's better to let it end here because this ending is a masterpiece. A true example of what television should strive to be. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go lie down in a fetal

Some twisted sort of fun? This is a hit man we're talking about so he might have gotten a kick out of playing the desperate cabbie. Showing out of the blue to get protective custody would also give a clear sign of where he is and what he's doing. If he's simply arrested for a slip up then he could cover up his

The assassin let himself be caught because he knew that the Voice had found out that he knew who he was. That's why the Voice had to find a way to break into he precinct. Short from blowing up the guy's transfer, I can't think of a better way to deal with him than keep everyone else busy and vacate the building to

I think you missed the most important part of the episode. The simulations The Machine is running against Samaritan have been mentioned non stop since their introduction. And not once did The Machine win. Yet despite the fact that Shaw had to go through over 7000 simulations, Samaritan never anticipated the fact that

I couldn't agree more with this review. I kept waiting for the twist at the end that would establish further problems for the next season instead of a happily ever after resolution. Especially since they seemed to have something much more interesting in the works (remember in part one how Brian had brief moments of

I really can´t stand you Sava and it´s beyond me why people at the A.V Club keep giving you coverage of all the Marvel shows. Especially considering the negative feedback you always get. You judge shows based on your head cannon and insert both sexist and racial issues that are almost never present in said show.

The Flash has to stop with this trope of losing the first encounter with the villain of the week before beating him the second time. It´s getting really old. I get that you have to bend your own rules a little when your hero can defeat his enemy before they even know it, but you should at least try to make it