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    If I recall correctly, there was supposedly a time limit on that. Like within 3 moons or something. Also, I think it was supposed to be an urban legend and not necessarily a sure thing.

    I'm no expert on coding, but I maybe it's because something inherent in the list's code gives it the ability to be dynamically updated? This would imply that whoever's updating it is close enough to Scott to know that Liam got bit (and also to know that Malia is a Hale). That, or whoever made the original hit list is

    Absolutely. I don't trust the happy, that's why I made the comment that I hope the show conveniently ignores his track record with women. Because, as I heard someone once point out, Derek's junk is kind of a divining rod for evil women, and I'm hoping Braeden doesn't perpetuate this pattern. At this point, I think the

    Another reason this wasn't quite a solid A: it took half the episode for Derek to take his shirt off. It's not a tease anymore, Teen Wolf. Now you're just being deliberately cruel.

    So was I.

    Very interesting! But I wasn't debating the legitimacy of the medium, simply the fact that the Benefactor assumes 15-year-olds to know what to do with one. Of course, if you're a 15-year-old assassin, then I guess a lot of assumptions go out the window…

    Yeah, I don't actually think Stiles' motives are that benevolent. Scott's are, maybe. But not Stiles. He clearly believes Peter doesn't deserve the money, so I guess Derek gets cut out of that by proxy.

    Eh, possibly. Maybe London made Jackson charitable. Or maybe he just wants to exact revenge for all the werewolf drama that's driven Danny away.

    It's been seven episodes, though. Seven. Teen Wolf, you're losing your touch.

    It was Peter that Stiles had the problem with, not Derek, and I don't think it was so much about not trusting him with the money as it was not trusting him in general. I really don't know how getting his money back will make Peter any more of a scumbag than he already is. Maybe Stiles just doesn't believe Peter

    Ah, you might be right. My experience has been that biology teachers do not teach chemistry, too, since they are not really correlating sciences, but that may have just been a presumption I made. Or a manifestation of my disappointment that Harris is gone. The role of the evil chemist assassin was pretty much made for

    Those were my thoughts. Is Jackson's family suddenly poor now, too, I wonder? Or did they get the hell out of Dodge when Jackson went to London?

    The real question is: why is the Benefactor presuming all his assassins have cassette tape players? I was shocked those baby assassins Garrett and Violet even knew what to do with one of those things!

    I also thought the show was hinting at Coach and Mama Martin having some previous acquaintance. They are apparently on a first-name basis. I'm thinking former classmates, but AA sponsor is also acceptable. :P

    This was the first episode in a long time that felt like a "monster of the week"-type thing. It was relatively self-contained, and I'm not sure it served much of a purpose to the overall plot other than to get Satomi to come out of hiding and facilitate the big reveal that Malia is a Hale. There's nothing inherently

    I agree. I understand a character being a plot device, and that's fine. I had no problem being emotionally disconnected from characters like Garrett and Violet. It's just very frustrating to me that the show made the extra effort to give the audience that emotional connection with Meredith when they were never

    The more I think about it, the more the Meredith death scene doesn't sit well with me. I'm very disappointed that we didn't get to see her teach Lydia more about her powers (or at least placed in some scenario where she would have had some character development). It sucks that she was used as a plot device and then

    While overall I feel the same way about this episode as I did about the last one, I will say that the flashback scene with Kate in the Chevy and the fight scene between her/Chris are probably two of the most moving scenes of the season so far. Props to Jill for being a literal and metaphorical beast.

    Yes, IMO they are archetypes of each other, in the case of Jackson and Liam. Jackson was meant to be the Beta Derek couldn't control, who wanted the bite but didn't "need" it, who went rogue, had family issues and an identity crisis, and sought to use his powers to get ahead. I see Liam going down much the same path

    On the Derek issue, you bring up an interesting point, which is that, at least to me, TW has never been quite clear about their werewolf canon. They treat Scott and Derek like two different classifications of werewolves because one is bitten and the other is born. What did Scott gain when he was bitten? An ability or