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    I think you misunderstand the entire issue I have with the characters? I never stated that any of them were clones. I never even used that word. My issue is not with characterization. I acknowledge that they are all separate people with separate back stories and unique personalities. Again, I never stated otherwise.

    I don't think so. Didn't she just have a 16th birthday party at the end of S2? They were sophomores then, so I suspect she hasn't even turned 17 yet.

    I assume the M stood for million and the K for thousand.

    Great assessment, LaToya. You put into words a lot of my frustration with this episode. I would give it maybe a B-, however. For me, this episode was not engaging at all.

    No, you're right. My comment was intended to be a dig at the fact that Davis supposedly thinks there's nothing left for Danny to do in Beacon Hills.

    That's just how Davis is, though. He throws things out there because he thinks they're interesting, not because he actually wants to explore the aftermath or the consequences.

    Eh, this is just my read of the situation, but I think he left "just trying to help" in the rear view mirror when he had unprotected sex with her in the basement of a mental institution while having to deal with the emotional trauma of possession by an evil fox demon. That in itself speaks to some underlying desire to

    What? No Greenburg?

    I think that connection with other characters is SO important for her. Aside from my aforementioned issues with Stiles/Malia, I think leaving all this development with the rest of the pack "off screen" makes the audience's perception of Malia's allegiance to the pack more dubious. Right now, since she's mostly

    Still bitter about jerk teacher dying. :(

    I liked the scene in the last episode with Malia and Kira watching the lacrosse tryouts. You could see that Malia was adapting Kira's reactions, and I wish we could see more of their friendship. And I was just thinking, as funny as that chains scene was between Stiles and Malia, it could have just as easily been Scott

    This was a really fun episode, and it was the first in a long time where I felt like Teen Wolf was back to poking fun at itself instead of trying to take itself seriously as this super-scary horror/action thing. The beginning scenes with Scott/Stiles/Liam were hilarious, the bathtub scene in particular. And I did see

    Yeah, it was muted for me as well. The one time I watch the show in HD instead of normal def, and this is what I get. I suspect it was a broadcast hiccup.

    According to unconfirmed rumors, JD didn't think there was anything left for Danny in BH.

    You know who would have been really ace at figuring out that computer code faster than Lydia? Danny. Missed opportunity there, Teen Wolf.

    Melissa's probably the one thing that's saving the hospital's budget! She's a nurse, an anesthetist, a physician's assistant, a surgical technician, and a triage secretary! And probably all on a nurse's salary! She's wonder-nurse!

    I think it's unfair to say her purpose is JUST to be Stiles' love interest, but I do agree that they decided NOT to make her an actual feral child because they wanted her to hook up with Stiles. Also, the writers were lazy and wanted to make sure she had enough mental faculties to participate in the plot on the same

    IS that how it would be perceived? I'm not sure all LGBT people would agree with you. I understand your hesitation, but my point is that there's a difference between creating an "artificially gay" character to "fill the gay quota" (as you say) and actually taking the time to present and develop a well-rounded LGBT

    You hit it on the head. That's the exact point I was going to make. I don't think its enough to just have the main characters be "nice" to background LGBT characters or have the show portray those background LBGT relationships in a "positive" light. Those things should be implicit in this hypothetical Teen Wolf world

    Having too many plot threads leads to too many plotholes and too much handwaving. It's a shame no one on the Teen Wolf writing team has learned this yet.