Roger Goodell

I haven't watched it, but I read the book for a YA class in college, and this is exactly how I felt. It's clear Asher had solid intentions, but it misfires completely; he really failed to see how this would be perceived by actual teens. The whole audio cassette plot felt gimmicky and exploitative, and it seemed like

He loved Drake's take on knowing way too many people here right now that he didn't know last year. It reminds Geraldo of the rapidly revolving door of Fox News employees in the past twelve months.

I'd call it both revolutionary and the one of (if not THE) greatest hip-hop album of all time.

Well, his matches against AJ were fantastic, too. I know, it's AJ, but still, Dean was part of those matches.

I generally agree, but Dean had awesome matches last year against KO at the Royal Rumble and HHH at Roadblock (if that counts).

That's what always baffled me about the success of Grown Ups. It was so obviously a lazy ploy for Sandler to hang out with his buddies in warm destinations. The script was obviously written just for that purpose.

Sandler's humor has always been mindless, but it was fun (and more importantly, not mean) in Happy Gilmore/Billy Madison.

That's the odd part about this entire thread. I initially defended Bernie to a Hillary supporter, making what I meant as a point about the evolution of politics and our willingness to forgive Hillary in the past, and it somehow turned into me turning Hillary to Bernie supporters.

I agree with the initial premise. My main quibble is the fixation some Bernie voters (and I voted for the guy) have with ripping Hillary to shreds. It's over; move on.

You're right; those claims were ridiculous. But that's completely irrelevant here. We're responding to the ridiculous claims in this article, none of which involve "Berniebros."

I wasn't attempting to draw equivalency. I was replying to someone who has a clear bias against Sanders by pointing out that Hillary isn't perfect by any means, and we still managed to move on.

See, this is the other end of it. She was never Rick Santorum, and to pretend she was is simply dishonest. She took some cowardly positions when they were politically popular (like every other person who's ever run for office), realized the error in her ways, and move forward.

Lauren Lapkus is wonderful. I think that's worth repeating.

This is quite an overstatement. Has he been tone deaf at times with his rhetoric? Yes. But "throws women's rights and gun control and minority struggles under the bus and says you can be progressive without them"? That is not an accurate description of Bernie Sanders.

I remember the response Tomi's "Americans fight for what they believe in; Syrians run and hide" tweet, and some dude just scratched out the tweet and inserted, "YOU'RE A MONSTER."

I've been loving her sudden, quiet irrelevance. I remember all her bullshit #teamtomi tweets as if she had some massive following of people who liked her for anything other than her sorority girl looks and angry, paper-thinly veiled racism. Now she's realizing #teamtomi was never #teamtomi at all; it was

I'm ridiculously in favor of this.

Which is more evidence that Roman's retiring Taker tonight.

Only if it involves him giving Pitbull a running leg drop.

I'm not digging it quite as much as his TPAB stuff, but it's still Kendrick Lamar music i.e. the best hip-hop out there today.