Roger Goodell

God, this album's just chock full of amazing music. The titular track's super dark and gritty, a real reflection on drugs, violence, AIDS, and racism in the eighties. I'd argue it's Prince's best achievement as a lyricist, and it's a true testament to his skill that in 1987, when he was one of the biggest stars in the

What a delightful half hour of television. I smiled from beginning to end.

I mean, Koppel's not wrong in any way.

I'm sure Herzog's fascinated with Trump because he signifies the dark, tragic end of humankind.

Cue Charles Barkley rant about how much more difficult hookups were in the nineties before Daryl Morey and those nerds made everything all digital.

I find the reports of Fallon planning to "go political" in order to regain ratings supremacy hilarious. Does he know how freaking hard it is to "go political" without knowing anything?

He made some bad decisions. That's just The Ugly Truth.

Hey, you didn't hear Michaels and Collinsworth a few years back? I CARE ABOUT WOMEN, OKAY?

This is exactly why I admire internet feminism so much. People stand for their principles knowing they're likely to suffer attacks from random trolls solely for believing women should be treated with respect.

This is good to hear. I saw him at Bonnaroo last year, and he just rambled about being on shrooms, kind of berating the crowd. It was extremely uncomfortable and unfunny, didn't seem like the narcotics were doing anything positive.

I could raise a lot of grievances about Raw's direction right now (most specifically re: Roman, Brock, Goldberg), but I've got to say, it was really fun for a hot crowd like Chicago to actually cheer the faces and boo the heels. It's what made the confrontation between KO/Jericho feel so special.

I'm still shocked that someone as consistently funny as Mulaney had such a bad television show.

No. He seems like the kind of guy who listens to alt-country stuff like The Jayhawks and Turnpike Troubadours.

Jeff Bridges really is a successful version of The Dude.

I run hot and cold with his music, but damn, he seems like an awesome dude.

Like most liberal men, I know misogyny is ridiculously bad, yet I'm constantly shocked when I find out it's even worse than I previously believed.

I'll never be able to get over the fact that he got a standing ovation for joking about drugging women's drinks.

Well, I'm sure our very forward-thinking Attorney General will consider correcting these terrible holes in our justice system.