Roger Goodell

No matter how times I watch this episode, Nelson punching Bart in the arm for absolutely no reason always makes me laugh uncontrollably.

I know this was already completely covered in the article, but Jesus Christ, this fifty-five year old man gave himself an altogether unambiguous goal of twelve freaking hours without throwing a public tantrum, and he still only cleared two thirds of that unimpressive bar.

Eh. They had more mainstream recognition after TWFM.

Their ridiculous pettiness is some of the funniest stuff from the show's run, and I'd argue it's Aniston's best stuff by far.

I think it works because it's in-character.

I maintain this to this day, the proposal episode (especially when compared to their wedding which was meh) is the most touching romantic moment I've seen in a sitcom; Perry and Cox knocked it out of the park.

This was sneakily Davos's episode. What with the grammar correction and his sneakily trying to duck out when Danny's camp received bad news, he stole the show.

And people STILL call CNN a relentless liberal partisan network.

I don't often care for Bill Maher's comedy, but I'll admit I chuckled when he called Kayleigh McEnany, "Ann Coulter without the empathy."

I appreciate this sentiment. People ARE capable of changing, and we don't need to blacklist people for making mistakes — especially if they realize they're mistakes.

What wonderful news to kick off this weekend.

He laughed, though. He thinks Tommy Wiseau is really ugly and "quite the basket case."

The trollification of our entire species has made it impossible to be rightfully indignant about anything. This story provides ground for citizens to be justifiably outraged, but when liberals inevitably are by this transparent corruption, Trump's legion of supporters will smugly smirk and call us snowflakes.

Idk. I get why people have problems with the premise, but I think showing an extreme in a modern setting can provide interesting social commentary on how we aren't as far away from it as some may think (like the Handmaid's Tale).

Muhammad Hassan was the ultimate version of this. He really only brought up really valid criticisms about how we treat Arab-Americans (despite ironically being portrayed by an Italian dude), and people hated him unlike anyone I've ever seen.

I can't wait for next season. For wrestling novices, money really is in the chase, and I can't wait to watch all these characters interact now that they understand the wrestling world. Booking will be a major source of drama, possibly as much as marital turmoil. As silly as it may sound, these performers deeply care

It's almost as if Obama's a thoughtful, empathetic, eloquent person, and Trump has the maturity and intelligence of a second grade bully (I was going to say fifth grade, but most ten-year-olds I know have POTUS beat).

I don't know… Justine's reveal totally caught me off guard. I mean, it's completely possible for a college-aged girl to crush on two men at the same time — especially if she idolizes one of them, so I one hundred percent bought the wide-eyed fan girl with a major crush thing. I never thought twice when she started

He's claimed to be a journalist many, many times. Most recently when he was in damage control after the video of him arguing in favor of paedophilia came out. He claimed to have outed many pedophiles as a journalist.

Well, he IS a comedian, though I'd never argue he's a particularly good one.