Roger Goodell

He's not right about Colbert and Stewart. If he actually cared about liberal comedians pushing their audiences, he wouldn't be so in love with Seth MacFarlane.

I don't consider CNN ideologically imbalanced at all. Their problem is that they do anything for ratings (hence Jodi Arias/Malaysian airline fixations/overplays).

Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall

When he was on Politically Incorrect, he was libertarian/independent. Now he labels himself a liberal, and he mostly fits that description policy wise.

I'd be willing to buy into Sam Harris's, "Islam isn't a race; it's a set of ideas," argument if he hadn't also advocated for profiling people who look Muslim.

I'm solidly in the "I like Real Time; I don't like Maher" camp.

Well, irrational love for Ryan Gosling is something the Academy and I happen to share, so I won't fault them for that one.


I think the fun comes from the intentional idiocy of saying …NOT! But I'm willing to concede that Trump was most certainly not going for intentional idiocy (he never does).

Okay, I'm all for opposing Trump, but I would defend the …NOT joke's merits before George Carlin himself.

The student dropped out? I didn't know that.

He sees it as calling out college campuses (Cal)… not calling out Milo.

Maher said on Van Jones that he basically knows nothing about Milo. He booked him to make it another, "SEE, I CALL OUT LIBERALS, TOO!" moment.

One scroll through his Twitter feed, and all I see are tweets where Piers is simultaneously trying to act "above it all" while also trolling people who've tweeted unfavorable things toward him.

I don't know who he thinks he's fooling by pretending that tweet was all in good fun. There's no possible reading that doesn't come off as pathetically petty and desperate.

I know why Piers has suddenly shifted toward being a Trump apologist.

This is yet another sign that paying attention to politics is becoming mainstream, not just a day-to-day hobby for elitist know-it-alls.

Fox News Headline:

The crowd really went nuts for Wyatt, which was awesome. Really glad to see him finally get his moment.

"It wasn't a racial slur, Jake."