Roger Goodell


Trump's going to ask North Korea to test a ballistics missile over every nearly-abandoned outlet mall in this country as retaliation for such gross impudence.

His line about Betty Ford pushing near beer had me rolling. He's hilarious.

Hey! I'll have you know the Goodell family is a proud bunch of old-money Republicans, not this Trump riff-raff you see today.

Piers Morgan's a professional douchebag with no scruples.

I approve this article.

"I knew a journalist who leaked like a dozen stories. The president found out, and Secret Service beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street!"

"I did not plejer-eyezed her! It is not true! It's bulesheet! I did not do it! I did nahhhhtt… Oh hai, Kellyanne!"

Rosie can be Ivanka, because I can't tell you how badly I want to see Tommy Wiseau play Melania.

Watching her interview with Tapper the other day, I think she knows she's inching closer toward being expendable. Her trademark arrogance was gone; she was almost apologetic. People have caught on to her act, and she knows her (little) credibility is all but lost.

Great! Now I have a wing on my All-Time Infuriate the "the game was way better before all the tattooed guys came along" dogwhistle racist basketball fan!

That was a hell of a teaser. That did everything a good teaser should do.

Watching Tom Brady whiff on that tackle will never get old. That was wonderful.

And your whole "leftist pricks" line is idiotic bullshit. No one has ever questioned Andrew Sullivan's sexual orientation, and he's no leftist.

Or because he says gay people should go back to the closet?

He actually said that?

Eh. He's still not as bad as Milo. He's criticized Trump's travel bans and actually said Islamaphobia is a thing.

I'm not claiming to have any. Just thought I recalled hearing about something like that.

Agreed. I read it after I typed this, and thought, "Okay. I agree with the sentiment."

Well, she hasn't made her name by debating people.