Roger Goodell

She's an idiot. Kellyanne Conway's just as bad as Tomi in terms of soullessness, but Conway's WAY better at this than Tomi. Tomi can't put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, it seems.

Isn't there pretty compelling evidence that he's not actually gay? He just uses it so he and his followers can trollingly call his detractors homophobes?

As bad as Maher can be (and he can be an insufferable, hypocritical douche), at least he generally fights for the rights of the disenfranchised.

It makes sense. In the eyes of Donald Trump, there is no objective reality, so everything is "so-called."

To be fair, McConaughey seems like the kind of guy who would have said the same thing about Obama.

The "libertarians are fine; LIBERALS are the real selfish ones" line would be much more convincing if liberals wanted to get rid of the Civil Rights Act, but libertarians want to do that.

I've noticed all my smug college friends who were insufferably loud about their protest votes and moral purity have been noticeably silent for the last ten days.

I see what you're saying, but Trump would have a meltdown over the negative publicity.

Beyond the obvious racism and xenophobia fueling this bullshit, another thing that infuriates me: all the idiots pointing to San Bernadino and Orlando to justify this, ignoring the fact that THIS BAN WOULDN'T HAVE PREVENTED A GODDAMN THING!

Disagree. Barron can't control that his dad's a jackass. Leave the kids alone.

It was wrong when Chelsea, Malia, and Sasha were mocked, and it's wrong when Barron is.

I certainly did.

Too young?

He wasn't going to make it, anyway. He caused a minor controversy in 2012 with his defense of private equity, and that stuff was going to come back up in 2020.

This administration really is a sports entertainment affair. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure The Mean Street Posse was just Donald Jr. and Eric. And of course there's Gillberg as our new Secretary of Labor.

I didn't get to see Fences, but it's Viola Davis, so I agree in principle.

To me, the absolute shoo-ins are Casey Affleck for Best Actor, OJ: Made in America for Best Documentary, and especially Mahershala Ali for Best Supporting Actor.