Jack Lewis

Terrible season to end that series, such a rush to wrap up everything and it all ends up totally boring and pointless. Vanessa doesn't put up a fight against Dracula… and then just lets herself get killed… The whole story with Frankenstein, Dorian and Lilly was basically a whole lotta nothing. The monster's story was

I was doing my best impression of her. She makes great points.

You should hire a publicist.

A faster metabolism would distribute the drug quicker and take effect faster, it would also run it's course faster.

Von Sydow couldn't tell Bran not to go see the white walkers or mess with the tree without him? Hey don't do that or else they will know where we are and kill all of us…
Thanks for heads up.

He's been terribly bad… but at the same time there was no reason to think he would be good in that format.

Many buildings have security guards who do that for a living, obviously these inhumans are clearly not worth the bother… Why defend this short of shite?

You seem butt hurt for some reason, maybe a nap is in order.

Worst show of the season by far, the characters were acting in completely non nonsensical ways in the second half. Shields has no cameras to check what was going on in these detention chambers? Oh and let's leave this crystals and that weird ball thing unsupervised… what could go wrong? So the two scientists kissed,

And she gave farewells to everyone because she knew she would forget to take that deep breath? Maybe, more plausibly the writers are idiots? Is that real drama to see a kryptonian go into space and take a nap the moment they get there? Her sister driving that thing had me laughing out loud.

Hillary's Hillary is pretty bad too.

My TV has no ratings black box on it so yeah I did pirate it (how is it pirating when it plays on a regular broadcast channel anyway?). Would it have been better to record it and skip the commercials manually?

"the most anticipated"
The bar is pretty low there…

I guess this is where this comment thread would go into a loop.

It's one thing to have zero closure on the mythological over arching story type of episodes but for these run of the mill weirdos of the week kind of episodes, it's a bit sad and does smell of lazyness.

So doing a lazy ass ending multiple times … makes it better?

Looks like someone forgot a period between two distinct sentences.

Don't think so… not 100% sure, but the first time he got shot it was from the front… I also loved that right before he gets shot he uses is awesome power to try to get one of the bad guys to sneeze… transforming into smoke and then just trying to get into the bad guy's nose. I don't LOL much at TV screens but that was

I tried one or two episodes of SH but never got into it. I heard it got better but I never picked it up again. There's only one more hour to go at this train wreck and I can't look away.

I'm weirdly enjoying just how bad it is. It did take me a couple of episodes before I embraced it's complete crapitude.