Jack Lewis

The whole butterfly thing comes to mind… going in the past might create ripples that would cause them never to exist or some sort of crap like that.

I never thought someone who'd find a reason that would compel me to watch that show again… but that would be one of them.

Are you saying Judge Judy doesn't do that, right in the show?

The first two are a bit more obvious and don't pretend to be a court of law. Potato sizes appear fairly similar to me.

You'll really freak out when you hear what the catholic church has been up to.

I'm starting to think you have no idea what pretentious means. Hard to have any sort of argument with someone who doesn't understand simple terms like that.
You on the other hand should be humble, having much to be humble about.

I would have agreed if the poster had said they used a laugh box, and btw it's obvious that the audience is filled with people payed to laugh at just about anything, the amount of laughter is really over the top and gets to be distracting and annoying which was the main point. Maybe you enjoy being told when something

There is no need to be pretentious to criticize a sticom of all things. What is the objectively wrong claim you are referring to? Besides your misunderstanding of what the comment meant by laugh track.

A track of audio where laughter is recorded? By either a live audience, a dead one from the past, or even a mix of both… all annoying to some degree.

I hope that was sarcasm, this was the worst fight scene in the history of TV.

If only he had some power where he could transform into something where the bullet would just pass through… But nope, this is probably the only character to be shot twice. He's just a little slow.

This guy that can turn into smoke sure is pretty good at catching bullets… this show is awesomely terrible.

TV shows do that sort of thing all the time, apparently shooting some electronic circuit, makes it work and unlock any locked doors….
It's like these phone tracking scenes where you have to keep someone on the line long enough to trace them…

I would have yelled if I cared at all at this stage, obviously this guy having killed so many innocent evos in the past… would not kill that one with no redeemable values. It made no sense, but it's consistent with the rest of this mess.

And you'll be pissed about their not being pissed long enough much longer, proving… what exactly?

No doubt about it.

You would lose that bet anywhere people get some half descent education. You don't have to study the history of the early 20th century trans-atlantic ocean lines to know what happened to the Titanic.

I just thought it was a shared account by hipsters who have a very low opinion of themselves. The comments would indicate they might be right.

"all these petitioners are about as concerned as the people who were pissed the dentist killed the lion, kona, etc."

Or someone not as old as some of us…