Jack Lewis

Being the first of the 3d renaissance was a key factor, no doubt about it. What ever sequel he ever does will not have that advantage and could easily have a lot less success as a result.

You'd be amazed to learn that some people never bothered to read the books.

You should see my royalty checks.

So plenty of high grossing movies have unmemorable characters in them… what is this argument about? I don't see it as a problem with the movies but more the audience that makes them that successful.

Forbidden Planet is awesome, it's so original for the time. Avatar… not so much.

Name 5 characters from Titanic, how about Jurassic World?
It's not that amazing, people have terrible memory and watching a movie is not an experience where you concentrate on memorizing things.

When was the last time he made an interesting movie?

TV show… because they are episodic?

At the same time, a film like Titanic where everyone knows the ending… for that to have been one of the top grossing movies is also a bit strange.

To find out if it was good or bad? Or did you not watch it?

Extrapolating a trend from a single measurement rarely gives accurate results.

I'm pretty sure I'll be dead and won't care either way.
What has you convinced that our species is worth going on and on anyway? I haven't seen much to sway me…

I was kind of going out of the krypton specific thing…
In our world no matter what happens to our species, the earth will survive.

The only problem is that when freedom is taken away, it's usually done on everyone, not just those that didn't know how to use it. Tyrants all have wonderful aims but they usually tend to think anyone who is not them is by definition inferior and worthy of being controlled.

If the planetary population is better off without freedom… why bother saving them then?

So he's just lucky that nothing ever happens when he is in meetings with his boss?

If there were houses on fire 24/7, I might at some point start thinking about watching TV.

Maybe if you had started by actually responding to some rage based comment instead of simply waving some holier than thou, condescending bs to attract these sort of obvious responses?
The notion that a poor little show like Idol needs to be defended by some knight on a white horse is hilarious in of itself though, so

But isn't it awesome when both can be combined?

Or maybe something between the two extremes?