Jack Lewis

Well the federation didn't have money, but the real world kind of works differently. A true fan might not understand that.

Actually you sound quite the opposite of confused.

"With thousands of fan made projects using copyrighted IP. You cant just pick and choose which fan made works to shut down!!"

Have you not grasped sarcasm?

"You might very well be wondering, “Who actually cares about one stupid theater?"
Why wonder about that? You already explained who had a deal that was supposed to have his movie played there. I guess it's weird that some care about deals being followed through with?

But what would "why" even mean? There is no reasoning involved in how things work… things are not sentient beings with motivations and logic…

Yeah… that was really ridiculous, I guess from now on she's going to have to be careful not to exert herself to much.. maybe think twice before using her heat vision or else the next bullets might not bounce off… which would be the worst series finale ever.

Luthor's remark, mainly the part about the gum seemed rather nonsensical.

You're 100% right about that last sentence, and yet so many comments have shown up trying to find scientific answers for is other worldly episodes…
I'm not that surprised that the people he cared for would all be in one place… the only house available to them. People do unite and stick together when things go bad. The

I'd rather people who held these views would try to explain them (and maybe realize something out of the effort)… I would presume they can make a better case for what they actually think.
Might as well think that he died the first time after ingesting that liquid. A TV show with some character coming back from the dead

"you subscribe to the idea of writer as author."
I'm not sure it qualifies as an idea.

You're reading a lot more layers into this marvel show than is actually there. This not really Inception or some Lynch movie.

Well you know, having a fictional TV show depict the after life (which can't even be allowed to be a thing in the world of art) in such a way… can be so troubling.
Hotel Limbo was one of the highlights of this season.

Maybe ghost patti is art using supernatural elements to explore actual human emotions outside the constraints of a realist drama (we have so little of these),

1) He's alive, why would his fantasy have the town get smashed by the same group that actually did it while he was out? The show if filled with supernatural crap why does even art need to be limited to scientific rational answers?
They probably made the shot that stylized coz they know it might be the last shot of the

But the view… it's a view to die for… litterally.

Words to live by.

How so? Is that the first group in human history to have avoided being filled with … less than stellar individuals?

The Phil splatter if that hole hadn't been there would have been something.

For sure this season is the best by orders of magnitude. If this was a C+ the first two seasons should have averaged a D. Maybe they did… can't say that I remember or care to.