Jack Lewis

So the best hour of television in years was not to your liking… I kind of almost feel sad for you.

It must be nice to not have to worry about how to use one's intelligence. How does it feel?

"Yes, that's a frequent trope of the liberal/left, in my opinion, that belief that all the power is wielded anonymously,"

So you're saying that people who like shows give these shows positive adjectives? That is truly amazing.

She didn't get sidelined she became president elect on Homeland.

I'm putting you on my speed dial just in case.

I might have misspoken, what I mean is that she doesn't give a f about what other people think, she is driven to the extreme and always wants to go the bottom of whatever she puts her hands on… Of course the show lets you decide whether or not she went through but based on her character and motivations for 3 seasons,

So this show is not completely realistic and elements of it (perhaps even the premise) require a suspension of disbelief?
I'll have to seriously ponder this.

If you say so.

The machine transports people (human beings which are bodies) to where other human beings were transported in the departure… I sincerely hope you are just pretending not to understand this.

Exactly, the Nora character has never baked down, the bravest girl in the world went through and did it.

The fact that Nora has never lied is an indication of the truth of her story. Her own skepticism and her fear of not being believed (projecting her own skepticism onto others) an other one. The idea of a parallel world where a reverse departure occurred is interesting enough… I see no reason to second guess her

It's cool that you want to make your own version of that episode… but why share it when it doesn't work for one second? The machine had nothing to do with spirits.

Not to go on and on about this, but I think you got it exactly right. Wally was the only one left behind with HR and even though he was injured, he could have healed quickly and HR could have persuaded him to do the substitution. I'd be surprised if that's NOT what happens next season.

But Wally was out of commission… unless he faked that? Anything is possible…

I don't think she could live the rest of her life in there though.

Savatar (or whatever the name is) already had her at that point…. but you know what, you might be right… if HR substituted himself with her while Savatar was running around trying to avoid the crappy ray that did nothing…. I don't remember if he was holding her all that time, but others would have seen the

Nice idea but the talk between Sisco and HR makes no sense in that case.

" However, in this scene I see horrendous bigotry."
How sad for you, you already know that the thing was not intended as such and yet you must see it as bigoted anyway.

Yes but I think the guy meant ideas on how to adapt this thing to the visual format. On that side, things are less than stellar. A lot is rethreading what had been done with Hannibal.