Jack Lewis

Ergo the adaptation can't possibly go wrong….?

I agree, the visuals and the atmospheric music remind me way too much of Hannibal which seems by far the superior show.

So you think Trump has a great intellect?… maybe relative to you that would be correct.

Sometimes you start reading a terrible review and you just can't will yourself to make it all the way through. Life is short after all.

I'm hoping that actor gets an Emmy or something, he was really awesome in that role.

" I sincerely hope it doesn’t involve nuclear disarmament in Iran."
Iran can't disarm since they don't have any.

"And still, my main thought while watching all of this is what makes
Keane so threatening that assassinating her before she takes office is
considered a reasonable solution?"

"why people take such issue with Keane’s presidency"
There was this whole subplot about a radio host getting people riled up that put there to explain that… I know, it's hard to imagine such a thing these days…

True enough within the limited range of selected times where the attempts are made.
I never claimed there was no randomness. I was just refuting the "totally random" claim.

You're totally right. He was almost likeable at first.

You have no motor control over your eyes or eye lids?

Trying to make sense of your comment, I should have known better.

I see you have put on full armor and attacked that hot fudge sundae. Good on you.

Post truth… like that's a new thing, to those born yesterday.

So you found the visuals silly and think you are uninformed? Or are you one of these rare informed viewers who actually appreciated them and would have rather… not?

That's not a problem, just don't read the titles at the start.

"The entire character of Hap frustrated me. I’m done with evil male characters who play god."

I'm just impressed that the daily show had the idea of raising her national profile in that way, what could go wrong? It's all about the ratings..

" that might say something about your candidacy."
It would probably just mean you are running for the gop… and it might also say that you know how to play them like a fiddle to get their votes and then completely forget about them. It can mean all sorts of things.
It's funny you brought up Kerry, coz as terribly bad he

" Sorta, yeah, at the very least it's a standard campaign tactic."
Well these two things are pretty different. Yes it's a tactic, but to fall for it is a bit naive.