Jack Lewis

"This is nice. I want to see more of this, I think to myself,"
We need some TV shows about relationships I think there is a huge gap just begging to be filled there.
Burgers and wine… as a romantic meal? Maybe in a McDonald's add… but that was just ridiculous.
I find it awesome that special agents don't think about

Don't beat yourself up about it.
What's interesting is that is also shows that Patty had no idea about where the girls were. I remember her saying something to the effect that they had vanished like the first departure… but why would she know anything?

I thought that was a vulcan salute. As for their impartiality… the title of the article made that pretty clear.

That headline seems to imply Hook is on the wrong for not letting himself get screwed by his more lovable scoundrel ex band members?

You're absolutely right about Meg's persona being totally different from what she was in the 1st season… They probably just got to making up her mother's death to justify her going down this path (not that it actually does). In the first season she seemed more of a lost soul and all of a sudden she's the nuttiest of

So the desert existing means the catastrophic event was not stopped? Talk about spoiler…

Your last question is the most fascinating, keep me posted on developments there.

Utopian mind set would be what? Trying to improve some parts of government?
I don't see why that would be a bad thing… but yeah moderation is great too, that's probably what gets us involved in so many wars, we're still hooked on oil, and we get spied on by our own government 24/7. I don't think this lazy boy sitting,

Exactly, we choose our friends based on certain criteria that probably filters out some of these elements by definition. I don't have a single friend that watches fox news but I hear they have great ratings…

They may or may not (I assume you aren't there to know for sure). Clearly in our day and age a guy should not insist that much if a woman wants to pay half. I know that I wouldn't but I've also discovered that what I do and what my friends do is not really a great sample of what people at large do.

Well duh, it's a feature of the system to let easily manipulated ignorant people vote. It insures that things stay the way they are. When you own the world, change can be frightening.

The fact that a show has supernatural elements doesn't mean that the writers even believe in that stuff, it just gives them a wider palette to work with.
A TV show is just a TV show, why should it limit itself to what is possible? That could get boring fast. It's weird how the masses can swallow up movies about super

"I don't take him particularly seriously"
Come on, next you're gonna tell me you don't want to take your pitch fork and put his house on fire. Get with the program!

But I'm sooo not sick of hyperbole.

Dispiriting… high or low number?

There can only be one reason.

He seems to think that teenage boys have sexual urges and resent not being able to have sex… This is the most outrageous thing I have ever read.

"I've been out with have wanted to pay their half or something like it."
But did they? You have to be careful, it could be a trap. If you let them pay, you're the cheap guy.
Did you also notice that you only addressed a single of his points?
Not that I give a care about what Adams thinks… but really most of it is just

I'm actually more curious to know why people have trouble accepting the supernatural in a work of art. Probably the same folk who would jump in their seat at a Paranormal movie.
The show starts off with how many people just disappearing from the face of the earth. How is that for unambiguously supernatural.

It makes it objectively more correct within the context of the show… just like there was an actual after life in the Lost show.
But you can keep your cool, it doesn't change one thing about this actual world we live in.