Jack Lewis

We already have a "thou shall not kill", weirdly it is not being followed by all.

I can't be sure… but burying a dead body doesn't seem that unrealistic, even less so if Michael was told to do it.

I don't disagree, but at the same time the venting on the internet probably is something that occurs instead of actual action (political demonstration or otherwise). We vent and then feel better… and things keep going the way they always have.

Exactly, I'm thinking there's got to be something to this bird story or else it was a bit pointless but who knows.

Is he condescending to the choir while preaching? Is the choir singing hymns?

I'll believe you are over Oliver when you stop commenting about your butthurt at his show.

Yet one of these tends to occupy a lot more of it.

Most religious texts say that already, but they say tons of other stuff that is completely incoherent. Me thinks the problem has a deeper root than books.

Yep and if Keven is buried in the "magic" soil, he may come back a couple of days later…?

Yes, the writers are throwing a lot of "stuff" at the wall and none of it is sticking very well. Why expect any of it to be consistent or meaningful anyway? This sort of mediocrity really needs defending!

Totally agree.
"but the retooling aspect everyone is talking about, that I don't see."
It's probably a case of the emperor not having any clothes.

I thought the plan was to create people to get worshiped… seems a bit pointless and egotistical but there's stuff along those lines in some other fictional book not written by KV.

You forgot the part where you teach all the helpful and unhelpful beliefs to your offspring to make sure humanity does not progress too much.

They are not totally random, certain things (not entirely random either) have to get done 9 months prior,

I'm with you 100%. I would make the analogy of say coffee. A young person will rarely like it at first and complain about the bitterness. But given some time and a few more tries a lot of people start enjoying new tastes (there's more to life than the taste of sweets).
Off course it would take quite the critic to

It's fine but to me, if you got tired of the bs in the first season… there is no reason not to get tired of the bs in the second. It's very similar… they even basically redid the same show twice (the one with the pastor trying to save his church and the one where he tries to save his pregnant wife). He basically

I sometimes get the distinct impression that commentators care more about the show's plot than the actual writers.

" she’s oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend might be losing his grasp on reality."
Well… according to the show, he's not the only one that can see her. Off course this is one of those things the show will probably not bother to explain.

A lot of reviewers are trying to make the point that somehow season 2 is just an entirely new show or a gazillion times better, I don't see it.
I did enjoy the first season though it left a lot of questions unanswered and was rather grim. While they changed the location, the main feel of the show is the same which is

How would Hiro's desire have any effect on Nathan's powers after Nathan is on his own?
The entire season has shown that Nathan/Tommy has no idea he can absorb powers. Any training he had, they decided to make him forget for totally ridiculous reasons.