Jack Lewis

Yep, this might be the worst written show I have seen ever. I can't understand how anyone is trying to defend it. Even this critic pretending that the previous show was somehow any better than the rest of it… it's mind bogglingly awful.

I have to laugh just a little at some that pretended/argued that Claire's death was perfectly explained in the episode prior to this one. Ok… I'm done now.

At least you didn't waste all your time on this pointless…. show.

Yes when Noah used that metaphor, that was spectacularly lazy writing. It stood out from the regular terrible writing.

But the kid has shown no ability to heal… they are obviously just throwing everything at the wall and nothing is sticking.

I'm more surprised that they don't know about kryptonite after being on earth where all the bad guys must have used it on superman at some point or another.

It's obvious the answer is: tons of it.
I don't know why it works for that character to be so concerned with her appearance (vs her more important accomplishments) and not accept her age…

Tell that to Apple.

Just an even more far fetched, less probable version of Santa. At least we're past the denial phase.

I guess I have to trust you… being a doctor and all.

I'd be fascinated too if I saw an adult claiming to believe in Santa? I guess you would think it run of the mill?

"He even said he does not know what happens after you die and neither does anyone else. "
Well, obviously he can only speak for himself as most biologist have a fairly good idea of what happens when you die.

The trick is to go looking in super-nature.

I'm not sure what show you were watching, but like shadow said, the eclipse occured WAY AFTER Claire died. Not too quick on the uptake are you?

Drawing attention to the failures of a show in the comment area of a review of said show is not something that should really boggle the mind.
Tone trolling when others don't agree with you, that's kind of funny in a sad way.

I'm truly impressed with you amazing ability to detect snark, it sure beats an actual comment…

I'm glad Hiro only sent the kids far enough in the past so that the children would be angst ridden teens with no idea of what they were supposed to do. Having adult foes might have been too much to handle for our villain.

Here you go, highlighting how the show failed to setup things in the right order. Don't you know you should just lap this stuff up and make excuses for it no matter how badly it fails?

Yep, I'm sure her death was completely motivated by the story and not by the inability to get the actress to play the part.
But that scene with her hair was awesome! Off course her father would never bother looking at her even though he kept saying he would… Not sure why anyone would defend such horrific writing and

Yep, I'm with you. As bad as the show was in the first episodes, it's just been downhill since then and this was by far the worst I've seen yet.
It was hilariously bad. Most awful pointless use of time travel ever. The touching moment with Claire's hair was so poignant!