Jack Lewis

I'm sure it felt longer to her as a character then just some mathematical number. The show did not convey the duration in a meaningful way but in something they must have though was "clever" but missed the mark emotionally. If you think the show conveyed the time she spent there well enough, good for you. I did not. I

Ok, they should have just used milliseconds, that would have probably even been more effective story telling.

I have no idea what point you're trying to make with this arbitrary argument you seem to be having with your self.
I am discussing story telling and how portraying the time in hours makes the duration of her stay more of a mathematical quantity than something you can actually feel and relate with. If they had put

You lost me at rounding…

I've never seen athletes give credit to the team before either… It's very uncommon.

For sure, and I still have no idea what problem was solved with the previous episode that got an A…

Yep a very good episode and to my taste a lot less boring than last week's.
Last week's show didn't move anything forward and it's pacing was tedious.
Having a new firestorm (for whatever reason) had to be done and the cliff hanger was great.

While that show was great (it was kind of worry some in the first place to see how fast she had been saved and how little stakes were involved… at least that got rectified).The one thing I thought they screwed up on was using this hours based time display. While it is obvious that days and weeks would have very little

" If anyone should know by now that there’s danger in layering mysteries upon mysteries, it’s Lindelof."

I noticed Hiro unplugging from the matrix… how completely un-fantastic was that?

Nah it's both these things and extremely idiotic. Let's not sugarcoat it.
If you can remotely articulate how this show is less idiotic than the first Heroes… I really can't wait to read it.

Your 'sentiment' from a terrible show is sure to stop people bitching about it's awfulness. How could it not?

I think it would be a little condescending to assume that her short comings would be shared by other people just because they would have the same skin color or sex. Peter trying to basically do the same thing she had tried… got her mad. How idiotic was that?

Yes, I'm sure it was stipulated somewhere that had to mentor through Effie all the time. That makes a lot of sense. It's the Effie Show after all.

Farelly was on Effie's side but she was so far up her own back side to see it.
But hey, the entire show was supposed to be about her, if it wasn't, she never got the memo.

If you can't even make use of the spell checking that just about any browser does automatically for you… the only logical conclusion would have to be that you are a genius…. makes sense!

I would rather listen to your dog for sure.

You kind of answered your own question in the first paragraph. Legacies do not imply the thing still being watched or popular today.

You are supposed to read his mind and figure out all this wonderful insightful stuff he can't be bothered to write in any coherent way.

If that last 'have' was changed to 'haven't' the sentence might even make some bit of sense… I'm 100% sure he was not misquoted and really think we should focus our pitch forks on him and not Cosby.