Jack Lewis

Watching to find out, is often doomed by shows that can't be bothered to care enough to tie up the multiple strands and questions they create and leave the viewer feeling like they wasted their time watching something that promised a lot but delivered little. That's happened enough in the past (including the vastly

The purpose of network TV shows is to sell advertisement. That's literally the purpose of the show.
Well to be fair, that's the network's purpose. The viewer's purpose is to derive some enjoyment out of it. A poorly constructed show with terrible visual effects and too many nonsensical stuff happening in it will fail

"and I appreciate how the writers tie Joey’s personal experience as a gay man into his current situation as an Inhuman. "
He could have simply been gay without any paint by the number, writing 101, obvious parallels. That would have been better IMO.

Some guy was super fast but too dumb to get out of the place… the other went invisible and kept running in a straight line. And one other was throwing fake CGI fire that apparently didn't hurt anyone. The level of lameness was mind boggling. Off course evos would all meet up and not have to prove that they were evos

Wow, that show was pure garbage… makes the original first season seem like a masterpiece. You have the completely nonsensical video game crap. A bunch of evos getting killed by guns way too easily including some idiot that disappears and keeps running in a perfect straight line. Terrible CGI fire, overused and

He's good enough in that one note role but let's not over hype it either.

Sometimes creative people say; f with the limitations. It's not that weird.
Some people could go on and on as to how your avatar name is weird, how could one be drinking with skeletons anyway, shouldn't there be limits? Isn't it weird? Why do you like weird things?

You are so right, the show in general is pretty slow moving and uneven but that episode was really solid, probably the best of the whole season.

How awfully dumb was that… basically whatever tension was setup was dispelled after a commercial break. That really pissed me off.
Some will say that Will could have never been killed but there was still that way off chance of the material going in a totally different direction.

Well at least the author fixed most of it… but no thanks… how rude!!!
I usually skim both the comments and reviews but this article had so many glaring mistakes popping out, I couldn't keep quiet about them.

"Jack literally through the last vestige of any other purpose he might have served into the Florentine water."

False dichotomy?

"His desire is fueled by money, even if that money is to give his new wife a better life. "
Money is fueling is desire for money? Seems odd.

" and now Jack is uses the culmination of Pazzi’s work to finally gain the upper hand. "

"Importantly, the desire of each of these three people to give end this chapter of their is what’s driving them."
Is it me… or is this rather confusing?

"Hannibal escapes Jack’s rage out of luck and an ingenuity."
One of those can get you far…

The lady in red will resuscitate him for sure.

Don't ever watch a baseball match.

Let's hope the writers of the show read that last paragraph and make it happen!

Random vacuous drivel, no matter the date.