Jack Lewis

Sure the marketing uses the only character that people who don't watch the show might already know about… nothing odd there. The show itself has a good number of male and female characters and probably more of the latter which is not a bad thing.

You could tell it was a typo? Whoa!

I'm a great fan of PF and I agree totally, an instrumental version would have been better and would have made the whole thing slightly less saturated and over the top. I assume they felt that nobody would get the reference without the singing.

So they don't have locks at Star Labs? WTF?


That voice was irreplaceable?

We know they didn't even consider asking Dave (even if they would have discarded his insights), so that's another point for them being pretty terrible at considering the most obvious things.
I'd also state that Colbert doesn't have much of a track record for doing actual interviews… the worst part of his show was those

And yet you missed the implications… what gives?

We also know that they didn't hire a black or female host, so implications can flow based on that too.

You know Wiig in real life? Nice.

His last netflix special was wonderful. If the movie had only 3 or 4 with McCarthy, I might be able to stomach it. It is still a pass then.

And what would these comments actually be?
Not that you disrespectufl dickish (see what I did there) comment actually addresses anything I wrote. Feel free to live in Bill M's a-hole as much as you like.

He has claimed that a bunch of times, yes. Not sure if he still believes that.

It actually seems like you have seen very little by that rather odd statement.

I guess you haven't noticed how he often ends up arguing on the wrong side of issues with actual liberal/progressive views? It is infuriating. There is a reason he has so many close GOP friends.
Just take any appearance by Greenwald on Real Time and see the contempt on Maher's face at someone not just accepting tacitly

Is he actually in it? I had no interest in The Heat until I read your comment…

I don't know why people keep saying she is super talented. She was funny in Bridesmaid and since then it's been a lot of acting dumb and making fun of her being fat. Maybe she has some talent, but she will have to do a bit better to qualify for "super-talented".

He wasn't that smug in Lost in Translation either. But in general that is his style.

This is clear from the previous simulations where the Machine is fully aware of Harold being bummed by the painting's destruction. It knows Harold's tastes. Off course when running simulations, saving the painting was pointless (it was not real). In the real execution Root was notified of the painting.

There was no point in saving the painting during the simulation. In the real world the machine is the only entity that could have told Root that the painting would be damaged. The machine had already shown in previous simulations that it was aware of Harold's liking of it and being bummed when it was destroyed.