Jack Lewis

Bill Maher is convinced of knowing a lot of things he has no clue about. He is a well known vaccine denier as well. He is pro NSA as well, he's gotten fairly right wing with time (and the depletion of functional neurons).

You might want to try twitter instead. Are you noncognitive about the internet too?

Yes but being noncognitivists they can't possibly conceive that.

"theological noncognitivist"

You don't have to be so bitter about it. You've lost an argument on the internet, so what?

So you have seen one too? So what is this argument about anyway???

I guess you have a very low tolerance for contrary view points, your resorting to name calling like a 5 year old kind of clued me in on that.

I have already posted a wiki link where there are some mentioned.
So you're "no one" is already wrong.
I assume your computer is equipped with this arcane google technology?

I have never seen a live rhinoceros either but I am pretty sure they exist.
I have seen pictures and footage of them, same with left handed violinists.
You seem to confuse "rare" with "nonexistent".
The fact that you use "virtually" seems to indicate that on some level you are aware that there are left handed

" No one has ever seen one hold a bow in their left hand. "
No amount of repeating this falsehood will make it suddenly become true?

Ever heard of Occam's razor?
She's just a lefty, that's how they play. With a violin and a lot of string instruments you simply need to reverse the order of the strings.
By your theory she would have had to make up her mind about fucking with tradition before learning the instrument or decide to learn it all again

I would stay that this would be atypical for left handed musicians but considering the historical stigma associated with being left handed, there must have been quite a few lefties that ended up learning the violin in a somewhat less that natural way from the start.

Well you will be rolling on the floor laughing your ass off if you actual google images of left handed violinists then… for some reason.

Well at the end of the day, she was not offended by it so your notion that he was a douche was kind of out of the norm. And he did in fact support her (so there goes that).
Calling me a dick for disagreeing with you, well now I see a pattern developing.

Gee really? Regardless of your hyperbole, the guy was supportive and trying to help out.
The notion that this was a bad thing is just complete BS. Making light of difficult situations is how you sometimes get though them. Inflating all problems and crying all the time never solved a single thing.

Don't you worry your pretty little head about my big bazoo.
Only a complete 1di0t would write to someone who can't read. Was that the silly notion you were referring to?

It was almost a no-brainer.

The douche got her some cash, what an a-hole.

People will comment about whatever the fuck they want, if such a simple notion takes your breath away, maybe you need to have that checked out.
Now if you truly get clues on what you should comment on from a show's title, well that's just ridiculous and still does not affect my breathing whatsoever.

"Thomas warming up his vocal chords by singing “Ode To Joy” in German"
This specific choice for McDowell definitively seemed like a reference to Clockwork Orange.