Jack Lewis

It's as if land cruisers in the desert have more speed and range of movement than people on foot in a city.

That show is from the same guy who created 2 and a half men, I would have been pleasantly surprised if the subject had been handled with any nuance or depth, but clearly that could not happen.

I knew that scene had reminded me of something but I had buried that awful movie so deep that I couldn't remember… And now I do aaarrgh!

"the inherent emotion of a scene"
The score is probably overbearing to give the illusion of emotion of a scene. Without it, most scenes would be revealed as completely flat.

Glad you agree that my comment is excepted from that category.

It's 'me' not 'us', at least have the courage of your conviction that this was funny despite all evidence to the contrary.
The answer is clearly; everything else.

Insipid would be a major improvement over what ever the f this is.

This is the dumbest, moist pointless thing I've seen on the Internet for the whole month. Wonderful.
Is this the click hole or something?

What was done to her is also besides the point I assume right? We should pay more respect to losers and trolls…
Maybe the point should be discussing the actual articles on the site?

I'm not big on generalization. One thing I will agree with is that being an atheist doesn't make one smarter on any other subject. Heck some atheists can't even properly articulate why they don't believe in god. You have herd atheists that simply repeat whatever others have said without truly understanding it.

When your ideology is that you don't believe in fairy tales, I'm not sure you are that smug, what is there to be smug about? Not being completely delusional?
It just seem like that from the other side with not ability to think for themselves, all that is left then is tone trolling, no substance required.

These arrogant atheists telling people they are going to hell for eternity, telling women they can't have abortions, telling who can get married or not. They really get my blood boiling, either that or someone has no idea what "arrogant" means.

"Maybe that's why I am resisting the urge to label the GR as a cult. "

The GR do not seem to derive any meaning from the departure and do not appear to know anything about it beyond the rest of the population. You don't see them mediating or attempting to understand anything about it. All they want is for people to constantly remember the event and stop trying to keep on living. So in

I agree but at the same time writing a religious figure saying something other than pure non sense would be quite a feat.

What the GR are entirely about is far from explained at this stage. I'm not even sure the writers have all the answer at this point either. Anyone who thinks they have it all figured out is deluding them selves and probably no one else.

She probably figured her death as a martyr would do a lot of good for the GR movement. That's what happens to fanatical religious brains.

Well the difference between the GR and Buddhists is that the latter don't devote all their energies trying to force their enlightenment on others. And when that light is that you should stop giving a crap about everything you love, maybe forcing it onto others is completely nuts. Buddhists also rarely stone each other

The funny thing is that simply googling the title was sufficient to get the reference. They have somebody else reviewing the last episode but I can't really say that it's measurably better, not that I think I could really do a better job either ;)

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