Jack Lewis

I think you are confusing joke with rhetorical question.
Jokes have to be funny… then again it's all about personal taste.

Sure he pushed all the right buttons and she did not resist the temptation. There is already a small indication of the consequences in her interviewees being less hopeful.

I wouldn't necessarily discount a supernatural explanation within the context of a show where a bunch of people just disappeared. How does Wayne's psychological treatment (fancy term for a hug?) influence the outcome of the survey she performs afterwards?

Here's my take on the 121st question.
Nora was taking on a big chunk of suffering because she lost all her family. Wayne took that away from her but I don't think he holds on to it, it gets redistributed to others. The 121st question is a question about hope. When she was around people she might have been taking some

Yes to all of that, and also when watching a TV show you sort of have to have the ability to transcend your own skin, ethnicity etc and take the view point of the protagonists. I don't think you have to be white to watch the Leftovers, you don't have to be American either. When they show scenes with teenagers I don't

"the general cultural understanding of the phrase."
I just thought she showed more about her own limited understanding of the phrase. If anything, hate crime became a more known term with homophobic beatings/murders in the last say 20 years. Beyond that the actual meaning of the term is about any social group and

Winner of most irrelevant comment on this page.

" It doesn't in any way imply that all other crimes are "love crimes" or "like crimes.""
Whether or not I agree with this statement, you have to admit it lacks any kind of argument to make it the slightest bit convincing.

In the context of the show I found nothing bold and interesting about this particular hate crime, it was the logical next step in the story. The author of this article didn't actually say anything about why it was either being caught up making this review about her and not the show. I find people reviewing shows and

That comment about hate crimes against a white person being a bold interesting choice… could have been interesting if it there was more to it than just that…like what if anything at all makes it bold or interesting in any way.

How dare you say the show is not great? Clearly you have some deeper political issues going on that I think are at the root of this pronouncement.

" know what a straw man argument is."
You say you do, but you follow it up by demonstrating you clearly don't. The AV club have mentioned this show's incredibly poor writing, nonsensical plot and terrible acting. While you seem fascinated by my politics, I have no interest in yours as either have no bearing on the

You might want to google straw man too. Your laughable attempts at personal attacks for my sin of not being impressed by this show are the definition of silliness. Off course a modicum of self awareness would be required for you to realize this and stop humiliating yourself. If you can't discuss the merits of a TV

There are meds for these leaps of emotion and illogic, talk to your DR and see if they are right for you.

You might want to google aesthetic and stop making a fool of yourself.

So you agree with me that the show is not very good. Yet my desire for shows to be better than this means I should be ashamed? Are you aware of how silly that sort of comment looks??? Keep your standards and aims low, I won't.

"a son dealing with his tyrant/mob family "
If the actor portraying him is not interested..
That character has zero dimension. I can't even believe for one second he his married to this wife. These two are horribly miscast and have no chemistry. Based on what happens there you have to keep wondering why he keeps his

The thing is I thought about this things way before this show ever was produced. Watching this show has brought nothing new for me to think about except a bunch of terrible stereotypes. I am constantly keeping informed about current events, this show has not added any information or nuance to anything as far as I know.

The reasons for the low grades are clearly mentioned in each review, there is no point in trying to read between the lines of critics who clearly express their gripes about the show.

I'd be curious (no kidding) to know what sort of thoughts this show provokes? The show promised way more than it delivered. What ended up being produced is basically something that amounts to little more than a soap with stereotypical mono dimensional characters that deliver the most horrible lines. The acting is