Jack Lewis

Most characters are acting pretty awful, the whole world seems transformed into a hellish caricature of itself. Not sure why the teens would act more upbeat in this story and why that would work better… The teenage guys are not looking any less awful when you look at both sides without bias.

Maybe Christine is supposed to be awful?

You mean they are most likely to do what they are already doing?

The organization is bigger, ergo it might have a bigger impact on things later on? Does it lower them any?

Once you sit in from of the TV, you have to accept the obvious consequences.

A.C could mean AntiChrist and could refer to Christine's child.

I'm not talking about my personal morality and who deservers what, I am saying the entity that worked at getting him the money didn't give a crap about the other stuff. He lost sight of the priority and got screwed. He won that money and had zero awareness of the risks involved in having that much cash on him. It's a

Job didn't do anything right, he was just a believer. No action is involved.
He wasn't punished either, just toyed with to prove a point in a bet between god and the devil.
Off course the money didn't help since the idiot fooled around by waiting at the casino, and then leaving his car to help out someone and getting

The title has to do with all the signs given so that the guy could get the money. It's obviously what the writer intended.
Job was not injured for helping anyone. The devil felt like playing for shits and giggles with one of God's true believer and, well off course God let him do it being the douche character he was

I actually had heard about sickness before that movie.
Notions like divine justice I let go at around the same time I dismissed Santa.

Well he got the signs but he couldn't focus on the task at hand. Once he had the money he should have just quickly gotten back but he got side tracked and things fell apart.

It's as if you have access to some top secret internet searching technology.
With a tool like this there will be no limit to your ability to understand new things (add evil laughter here).

You got hatred out of it, that is something.

I'm not sure what the issue is. You put two words (spoilers warning) before an article that has spoilers and then those who read on have been warned.
I had someone spoil me the ending of the 3rd season of homeland in the middle of a argument about politics, it was annoying for sure. Knowing the end typically detracts

And how does that make you feel?

Surely you could say things a hundred times worst about the current cast, no?

I shouldn't have to explain this but "I don't get it" means that listener didn't like it at all and can't see why anyone would enjoy such lame stuff.
Some people have trouble believing how bad other people's musical tastes can be.

That would explain why the actual singer spent so much time designing these arm movements… so that they would have zero impact on anything. LOL

All I am saying is that having photographic memory implies no special social skills. Sheldon could simply be a self centered a-hole, not everything needs to be diagnosed and be labeled. And putting a label on something doesn't really equate with actual understanding of a condition, it's causes or remedies either.

I'm now inclined to believe you suffer from inability-to-detect-sarcasmosia.