Jack Lewis

Sure everyone was out watching Spiderman 2…. SNL ratings dropping, I never saw it coming given the quality of what they are turning out this season (face palm!).
You said these guys (well you could only name one) are anonymous forgettable and hard to notice. This is a faulty but hilarious premise that you can stick as

I couldn't notice Robert Downey Jr, Christian Bale,Chris Hemsworth, Ben Affleck if I tried. Movie stars are very anonymous looking, being seen all the time and all…

Having photographic memory and being able to relate emotionally to other people are related to each other how? Now if he has a disorder or he has actual control of his personality… that would be for a shrink to decide, I am surprised the writers haven't gone there yet.

Nice completely gratuitous mom bashing.

Don't trust your lying ears.
She did say Trouble, the writers obviously were being extra clever there…

Meaning and purpose are over rated.

At this point I can't pretend to care about someone that obtuse and impervious to any form of reason. Keep writing if it has some therapeutic value for you.

You are so full of it. Obviously trivializing rape by comparing it with murder is not demeaning at all to rape victims. LOL,
If you weren't born yesterday you might have noticed that every time a woman brings up potential misogynist tendencies in game of thrones (or any show for that matter) there always is the

I find the whole notion of bringing up murder when discussing an article on rape completely ludicrous.
Now does the show at times seem run by misogynistic people? I'd say yes, there is plenty of evidence for it. Does this mean GRRM is never misogynistic in the books? Nope. But again a consensual sex scene next to

How slow witted are you? This entire article is about rape, who brought up murder to make rape seem fine and dandy in the first place? Go out and buy yourself a clue if you can afford one.

You wrote that shit, so it's what *you* are saying.

"Unless you propose that rape be completely forbidden from portrayal at all in the media, I would suggest that this instance was contextually appropriate."
Laughably nonsensical. Why would my proposing the former affect your opinion on the context of this instance. But it does sum up your whole mentality: Any

What kind of twisted moral makes you read an article about rape and then feel compelled to discuss murder? There must be therapy for that. How about the families and loved ones of rape victims? Well I guess if they are anything like you, they can lecture the victim that at least they weren't murdered…
Stop trying to

You are right, that's one more way in which this scene change makes no sense and breaks what little character building they were doing.

" because this one time it so happens that GRRM didn't write is as rape?"
The article mentions two such times and the article is about trying to see the point of these changes. I would personally find a scene where they both do it willingly next to their son's corpse a lot more awful and dark and also a lot more in

Rape has to be worst for the actual victim who has to live with it for the rest of their lives, but why all this pointless comparison with murder? The article was about rape not murders. I don't understand the point of people bringing up other crimes when murder is discussed. The rape is not that bad thing is kind of

The whole question is why make those specific changes? What is gained. We have seen them have consensual sex before and really based on how Cersei usually acts, portraying her now as a rape victim to him at this point simply was not believable. And this reversal of who is the controlling entity in that relationship

Why do you assume murder to be worst?
Rape is something the victim has to live with for the rest of her life. Murder can be quick and then you are dead.
If you had actually read the article instead of jumping to the defense of rape as this wonderful thing that at least is not murder, you would have realized that this

I just believe he should get just the right amount of a dump on him ;)

He's funny? And you are sure of it? I doubt both of these very much.