Well it could have been his nose, ears, hair, teeth or just skin that changed. All we know is that they were looking at him. I guess he'll be wearing shades when doing is work from now on….
Well it could have been his nose, ears, hair, teeth or just skin that changed. All we know is that they were looking at him. I guess he'll be wearing shades when doing is work from now on….
Be that as it may, still don't see why Nick was never told, seems really odd as it would have been invaluable in his line of work.
The fact that it was made up is not under debate, the question is when did they come up with this thing and why nobody bothered to tell Nick about it. Show writers don't plan their entire mythology in advance, they make it up as they go. This is how you get something like Lost that no-one could properly tie up at the…
Makes sense that Nick's friend would never have told him about how he could hide is grimm powers with glasses. It is not like that would have ever been helpful before. Love how the writers just make this stuff up as they go along.
" makes totally sense, , because they are all invested in the baby…for one reason or another. "
Yes these commercial were completely dead pan serious… MEGA-FACE-PALM.
Gervais is a comedian out for laughs, integrity and comedy don't mix.
Yes the hard fought attempt at deciphering the true philosophical meaning of a few simple skits is kind of hilarious in a depressing sort of way. Could comedian be making some sort of joke? Let's ponder on that one a bit.
I agree that the strong anti religious message in these adds was hard to take…
"it does seem a little odd to center the campaign around being authentic, when celebrity car commercials are anything but. Or maybe that’s the joke?"
By Jove I think she's almost got it.
Yes, she does look like a male football player… ROFLMAO.
"It’s funny because we all know that “I love her” or “I love him” isn’t just one item on a list, able to be outweighed by enough shared interests or levels of hotness. It’s the only thing. "
Yes and we all know that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Sometimes having a few shared interests on top of the rest can be…
Yep, some sort of addiction would have made more sense. In theory now Nick should be worried every time one of his wesen friend transforms since it is apparently damaging to them to become what they are already… poor show writing.
They showed themselves to Hank and Juliette when they wanted to do it, to bring them into the circle of those who know what is going on.
The stress thing is when the wesen are unnerved and give an involuntary glimpse of what they are, that is what only a grimm can see. Yes when wesen attack someone they will also show…
These wesen creatures can show themselves to anyone they choose at will. It has happened in multiple episodes before. That part about becoming something else by doing it to often was a bit strange…
I would have thought that it would have taken more time to come back as a cop after the stay at the nut house…
Little Mosque on the Prairie
This book series is not over and done? Really?
Maybe the books are finished and he is just writing more and pretending they are part of the same series … for MONEY????
You must have been disappointed when it was resolved in a few seconds.