
Totally! She's just not a good comedian. I think she's actually a great writer, and has opinions I agree with, she just isn't that talented at making those jokes. I saw her at UCB in LA a few times and each time it was:

yeah love that movie, definitely agree

I think it's nice. Comes from what his mom used to call him when he was a shy kid…at least it has meaning for him

i don't wanna break down the techniques of road head, but him closing his eyes felt so unrealistic and forced for the plot to progress

this honestly is probably an issue. It definitely seems like they're seen as individual pieces particularly with how the show seems to like remember story lines it picked up earlier in the season and rush a conclusion (not talking about charlie). Also speaking of charlie can I just watch a show about him? Ever since

I loved chris abbott in this episode but I really feel like he just wants to play his james white character forever. It's just interesting that he left girls over creative issues and then played a tougher dude in a play then played a tougher dude in james white and now is back in girls as a tougher dude

I think, at least for me watching this, it's pretty clear that Alex is very sad as well. He's overcompensating in a lot of ways. I don't think either are like winning or whatever, it's two hurt people who are hurt for opposite reasons. To me that's a whole lot more emotionally complex than like a point about

i personally believe this show is commenting on that dynamic. I understand if people think it's giving the show too much credit, but that's how i read it

what? Like even if that were true what evidence would you possibly have for that? That is such an absurd assumption, and for all you know he's dating or sleeping with a wonderful beautiful human being who he's sweet and perfect to. (he's married i see, and by all appearances looks like a fine husband) Both

Actually totally fair criticism. Although I thought it was nice to watch a show about super mediocre people in every sense of the word. However, I do think they could've gone with someone less….annoying? Like I love that kind of dude on CBB, and in Don't Stop Or We'll Die or any of those kinda outlets where he's

I'm sorry to react to this, but it just drives me so far up a wall when people assume what the characters do is what the creators of the show are saying is CORRECT.

He seems like a really sweet guy, and honestly I respect how he's somehow found a career in this business kinda just by being a sweet guy who can make some quips and be high.

this show is good though…

I mean, since when does ambient experimental music get any coverage? Tiny Mix Tapes is more the source for that, Pitchfork never pretended to be exploring the fringes much

the shouldn't celebrate birthdays like 32, and should only celebrate 30 and 21 etc one

I hate to be a cop, but he totally stole a Patton oswalt joke in this special and despite the rest of it being super great, that one bit was a real awkward moment

And the film got TWO NOMINATIONS

and Carol got two nominations for acting

YES, fuck exactly. Am I missing something? Did their emotional chemistry get left out on the cutting room floor? Or am I just supposed to assume they'll just stare longingly at each other and have cold emotionless conversations for the rest of their lives. Shit.

to me tangerine is such a superior film politically and artistically AND possesses so much more entertainment value. Just my opinion though.