
Yes, and the fact that avclub is surprised that a fringe, arty, slow, subtle film didn't get nominated is pretty ridiculous to me. This has nothing to do with the subject matter to me. Academy might be anti-queer cinema, but this isn't an example of it. It's an example of the Academy being pro-safe movies. This isn't

very slow movie. I'm usually a fan of slow movies, but meh, I couldn't feel anything the whole movie, it was strange. The swelling strings, the beautiful shots, the piano music, rooney mara's wonderful performance. All the ingredients were there it just didn't click with me and I found myself unsure of what I watched

*hides in corner*

Okay I know this may make me a horrible person, buuuuuuuuut….I didn't love Carol.

man that was tender?? that sex scene made me as uncomfortable as i can get. It seemed like such terrible sex

man you love raggin on music supervisors don't you lol

no definitely not, she's the music supervisor, a contract hire who's job varies from project to project. It seems like on this one she had a big hand in actually choosing the music but often the music supervisor's job is simply licensing what's already been chosen by the editor, director, writer, etc.

she has nothing to do with the mix just fyi

Just curious here, do you guys re-listen to comedy? I can't really do it especially whole specials, maybe a bit here or there. But some of my friends like have listened to comedy specials 15,16 times.

except that she said it was a comedian who was at the top top top of the game and also was married. Louis CK was no where near the top until he was divorced.

okay, i'm all aboard the expose the creeps train, but besides one gawker article has there been anything else about this? I don't mean to sweep it under the rug but it's really only took off after jen kirkman's podcast which she said wasn't louie explicitly right?

I loved this show so much, this epsiode along with a later one "Mornings" were the best two in my opinion. The way ansari says "man" makes me giggle

this songs about drug addiction right?

Ohhhhhhh does it?

HER! I loved how spike jonze handled that one between amy adams joaquin phoenix, felt super true to a few friendships i have

taking this chance to link you to the wonderful breaking bad sitcom youtube series

ya dude i drive lyft and went to like, a good college.

Two things

i don't care how good this album is, welcome to new york is a pile of garbage and you all know it

so accurate