

Oh man, obviously Boyhood was emotional for everyone, but I started really bawling in the theater when they were listening to the mom read them Harry Potter and cuddling up next to her. My mom used to do the same for me and my brother and it was one of my fondest memories of childhood. I'm also not very close to my

yeah older people was the wrong term, but blended especially was definitely a family movie and not a gross out experience. You could probably add just go with it to that too

It's weird how well Adam's movies do on VOD and streaming stuff though. I mean Blended alone, which bombed terribly in the box office, actually had a nice comeback performance when it was released to the internet

well first off i actually thought this movie did a good job of explaining each character and giving them a fully rounded scope. Shit I understood a lot of Zooey Deschanel's issues and have gone through a lot of that shit. I still think she was a good person. They were all good people, just worked up (as we all

tacked on romantic bit was realllly annoying and almost a buzzkill for me but this movie is too delightful and TJ miller is the greatest.