Brandon Smith

LOL. There it is. You call the dictionary a liar. That's the absolutely living end. You are a piece of work, aren't you?

FALSE, asshole.

Oh I DO know what words mean, Donald Trump.


I love how you keep saying "lies", when everything I say is easily verifiable fact. I even posted links.

You are an utter raving lunatic. What difference does it make if it's the daily mail or Kotaku? PewDiePie, MattPatt, and Boogie2988 have said the exact same things on their own channels. Attacking the websites of DIRECT QUOTES FROM PRIMARY SOURCES is just stupid and childish. Would you also be attacking me if I linked

You are the most over-dramatic piece of garbage I've ever had the displeasure of talking to.

Notice how you pretended to frame your stance as being that gamergate was trying to "silence" and "censor" people they disagree with, but then laud as a victory your people silencing and censoring?

You basically just said, "dur… you're forgetting that the difference between the women's march and gamergates is that I LIKE the women's march and I DON'T like gamergate!"

Well, I mean, again, you're completely making that up. You are CHOOSING to believe that, and you are CHOOSING to believe that version of events. It's completely false. But you like believing it and so you choose to.

What you're saying, with bitter passion and fury, is blatantly false. There's no discussing it because you clearly have made up your mind. But the facts you have made up your mind about are fictional. Period.

You're just flat out wrong. Gamergate wasn't a "misogynist hate group", as evidenced by the fact that there were thousands of WOMEN who allied with Gamergate. But you don't count that, right?

From the way I followed the event, I 100% disagree. Gamergate wasn't the bullies, the gaming press was. Specifically ultra liberal sites like Kotaku and Polygon that are continually tripping over themselves to mold the gaming industry into their ultraliberal playland. Did Zoe Quinn and whatever-her-name-is receive

I live in Texas and thusly many of my friends are right wing nut jobs. I have a friend who treats Milo Yalowhatsit like he's Mick Jagger. He thinks he's the greatest thing and retweets everything he says.

What I would hope they do is resolve the Jason murder in season 1 and then do a Sabrina witchcraft thing in season 2. I don't know if anyone but fans are so heavily into the idea of Sabrina being on the show, but I would love to see it. Doubly so if they got Melissa Joan Heart to do it.

I first heard of him during the Gamergate business that assaulted the industry a few years ago. That's where he got his true start, I think. He was basically taking up the cause of arguing against a few bullies in the game industry who were acting out. I was inclined to agree with a lot of the things he said until I

Milo Yaya-whateveropolis is a professional troll and provocateur. I don't understand how people on both the left and the right don't seem to see that.

On the one hand, it's beautiful that the internet is a repository of everything in existence. I was reading through the amazing Disney retrospective Illusion Of Life and was blown away by how magical it was to be able to pull up any animation short they referenced and see exactly what they were talking about as the

I kind of like his over-the-top gravitas and film noire delivery, but there are definitely scenes where he doesn't seem to be hitting the right beats.

You know what's funny is that I consistently forget just how many plot lines from RIverdale are completely stolen from Dawson's Creek whole-cloth. Well, stolen is probably harsh. All teen dramas probably reuse the same content. But I forgot about Jack McPhee until you brought him up.