Brandon Smith

I agree.

Where do you get the idea that they've given Alice any kind of redemptive arc? Just because she showed a small bit of concern over Polly? There was never any reason to think that she actually HATED her children. She's simply selfish and controlling to the utmost fault. She's still that. None of that has changed.

Well the thing is, Archie is an unreliable narrator. Archie being called oblivious isn't just fan-critics being snarky, it's actually part of his character. The whole POINT of Archie is that he's a guy who is caught between two (or more) beautiful women. The only way you can pull that off and not have him be a cad is

I want to see him hook up with Cheryl so badly. Crazy is hot.

yeah, the designers did a good job of adding in 50s era things where they can to subversively make it look like a retro-show.

During that scene I was like, "Ugh. I love that symbolism". But then I was like, "wait, is this show smart enough to have symbolism?"

You have a bunch of dumb qualifiers on your "ONLY".

"Ronnie" Lodge is a 70 year old character…

Everytime she pops up on screen, I'm like "gosh, she is stunning…". I don't care for her character though. I hope the actress finds work somewhere else with a better chance to shine.

Yeah, it has tonal problems, I think. There's times when it wants to be Twin Peaks and then there's times it wants to be Dawson's Creek. I don't really think it's doing a good job of splitting the difference. I would like them to amp up the weird and the crazy. Especially since, the further you get from Jason

Yeah, the real estate thing is going on way too much.

I wish it as a little weirder. But that's just my taste. Having the blossoms do that weird tree tapping ceremony is a good bit of business, but I'd like it to be a little more weird and a little more dark.

The delivery of that line was hysterical.

I really want to see Archie and Cheryl get together… which probably explains my awful relationship history.

Well, I think the idea they were trying to promote, and I'm stretching to try to understand them here, is the trope of having the white guy come in and make their songs better.

"So much irony from someone who is, remember, arguing in support of a group dedicated to using fucking death and rape threats to silencing anyone who dares to point the existence of misogyny in gaming."

What are you even talking about? I think you've tried to run around the issue so much that you've even confused yourself.

I think it was fair. It's harsh but it teaches a lesson about relevance. We had the exact same assignment when I was in school and you absolutely had people who weren't aware of what was a socially relevant article and what wasn't. Some people would go up there with, basically, gossip and call it news.

No, ironically Weird Al is pretty much the original Nerdcore artist.