Brandon Smith

Yeah, the Cheryl thing was weird. I feel like they are trying to ape Abby Morgan from Dawson's Creek, but her persona of being the bad guy yet constantly inserting herself into the heroes relationships made more sense in that show. Abby Morgan's cattiness came off as more of a facade than Cheryl's and Abby seemed like

ha! I also and very impressed with her facial expressions. I said that in another comment. I don't think she is great at monologs, but her physical comedy is very good.

Well, to some extent, they are using the tropes because it's a tropey show. Every generation wants it's teen drama and its' trying to be that. There's nothing WRONG with using tropes. Some tropes are great.

Except that nothing she did was for good reasons.

I disagree about the love Triangle. That IS Archie. Otherwise you will wind up with the same problem Twin Peaks had. When the murder mystery is over… what do you do?

I don't understand what you're getting at with that.

Linda Perry is great. I bought a courtney love album just because of a few Linda Perry tracks on it. Still some of my favorite songs.

I kind of dislike the "car mechanic" aspect just because that, too, is an ultra-dated concept. I was glad they at least threw in the line about being glad that Grundy drove an old car, which they had showed multiple times in previous episodes. IF they hadn't, I would have rolled my eyes so hard.

The pop culture references are a little hard for me to handle, honestly. It just seems so forced. It's like a mix of Dawson's Creek and Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but one that forgets that those shows are 20 years old.

She said she changed her name, so we can assume she meant legally. It makes some semblance of sense for her to keep her old ID with her in case she needed it to prove that she used to go by a different name. Let's say, for example, she wanted to rent a house or buy some real estate. She might need her old ID to prove

I disagree. Archie never did anything wrong to anyone in the show, except for the little bit of terseness with Jughead.

I really, really, really hope they bring in Sabrina and the supernatural. That would be fantastic.

I think Kevin is the best character because he's the most consistent. He's also the only character who's comedy somewhat work. His persona is eye-roll worthy, but the show needs him.

Don't forget that seemingly the only reason he wants to be a musician is because he had a tryst with the music teacher over the summer. The show treats it as though his musical interests are brand new and that nobody knew about it.

lol, I thought the exact same thing. I could MAAAAAYBE see her keeping the ID for detective purposes. But the gun? Why wasn't Grundy's whole attitude for the rest of show, "WHO STOLE MY GUN!?!" It doesn't help that the gun is comedically over-sized.

I agree with what you're saying, but in theory she was "cutting Archie off from everyone in his life" by being a secret that he had to hide from everyone. I don't think it was meant that she was doing it in an overt, abusive way. I think it meant that he had to keep it secret.

I love the idea of casting former heartthrobs as the older characters in the show. Doubly so if they are as good as Luke Perry.

Is THAT what it is? Every single time I write Blond on paper I have to try to figure out whether it's blond or blonde. I know I have seen both, but I never knew what the difference was, and never thought to look it up.

I don't think any of this shows jokes land. Its too tonally all-over-the-place. There was one scene, I can't remember which, which was showing, I think, Bettie and Veronica looking for clues about Archie being raped and the editors chose to play bloopy comedy hijinks music over it. It's like they were trying so

Exactly. For moral reasons there should have been at LEAST one character on the show who was selling to call Grundy a rapist and what she was doing to Archie a crime. But the show seemed to intentionally sidestep the sexual assault nature of the show changing certain specific words to undermine the criminal nature.