Brandon Smith

I'm kind of shocked that people seem to like that aspect of the show. They're just, sorry, *Catty* girls who seem to think they're better than everyone.

The Grundy resolution was so bad that it was downright… criminal. Nothing about the episode made any sense. Betty finds out that the 15-16 year old boy that she has been pining after not only doesn't love her back, but has been having sex with another woman and she barely blinks at it. Not only is he having sex with

Interesting that you would say that. Archie is basically the story that all those other ensemble shows you are talking about are pulling from.

I'm actually not enjoying Bettie. I think she's mostly fine in ensemble scenes but I am having to get used to her acting when she is doing a monolog or extended lines. I don't feel like she's very good. But maybe I just have to get used to her. It could also be the way she's being directed. I guess one always has to

I'm curious how they will handle Betty's issues. "Mental health" is a great subject that I love to see written about. But unfortunately I'm afraid that the modern PC attitude toward it will keep it from going to quite the levels that I would want it to. We already see blowback to movies like Split and shows like

I'm black and that scene made me wince. Even though parts of what she was saying were accurate, it oozed of ultra-liberal preaching like something out of an Aaron Sorkin episode. (I love Aaron Sorkin, but his habit of concocting scenes where he inhabits his own characters and vents to caricatures of people he doesn't

I don't know if it's really a "specific term". Wasn't it always more of internet slang, than anything?

I wonder if anybody can really mentally quantify how big MILLIONS of followers is. Like, I wonder if that is a number that can make sense. I have a video up on youtube that has been washed about 3000 times. I even have a hard time wrapping my head around that. But a thousand TIMES that?

I disagree with what you're saying. There are all kinds of power and PewDiePie is VERY, VERY powerful. It's not just money, which he has millions of, it's influence. PewDiePie has a hotline attached directly to the ears of multiple millions of people in a certain demographic. That's something that media would kill to

The thing that bothers me most about the "everything is too PC crowd" is that they also frequently say "When did everyone get so wimpy and touchy!! What happened to America?" While being to ignorant to know that 100 years ago they wouldn't be criticized they would be SHOT DEAD IN A DUAL. America didn't get weak by

Who says Walt Disney would be hired at Disney? Apple fired Steve Jobs. If Disney was his ol' Walt Disney self, he might have had his company taken from him.

I think you're right about what you're saying. But the thing is, I can see where the "comedy" in what he was doing was supposed to be. I don't think it's funny, but I know what he was getting at.

Teachers don't work 7 days a week, 10 hours a day, 365 days a year for 30,000. Not anywhere in my area, anyhow.

I think he's actually quite mature. I just think that he knows that being immature is what gets him millions of dollars.

Yes and no.

That's backwards. PewDIePie is the relevant one. Traditional media mentions him so THEY can be seen as relevant.

I LOVE the fact that they call him "internet person".

Yeah. YOu're right.

Oh, well, I totally agree that Grundy is playing Archie in terms of being a villian. Or at least a suspicious character. But I think there is a difference if they make her a villain because she is doing some weird nefarious russian spy schtick vs. making her a villain PURELY because she's a child-rapist.

I would agree with the girls. But that's not "shaming", was my point.