Brandon Smith

Well Chuck specifically said "it's a badge of honor". My takeaway was that the offense was coming from the fact that the boys were keeping a record of what the girls did and calling them crass names. Treating them like "objects".

My point is that "slut shaming" is supposed to be the act of saying that female sexual promiscuity is bad and that women who engage in it are "sluts".

He definitely looks weird, but I think it really works. it gives him a bit of a cartoony look that sells some of the larger-than-life aspect of the characters.

Like some of the aspects of the show, it was trying too hard. The show seems to try to cram in some Joss Whedon dialog and Diablo Cody quirk and it comes off as forced.

Well I don't think it really was supposed to be a scandal. I think it was supposed to be a joke, which is why the scout kid had the line about getting a misdemeanor. The joke being that he was deathly afraid of getting something that is supposedly not a big deal. But it's a bigger deal when you shot a gun in the same

I AM liberal. What i'm not is ULTRA liberal. I don't buy into the crappy philosophy of ultra left wing outlets that are barely coherent in the points they are trying to make. It's why you see women like Lena "I've never been pregnant but I wish I had an abortion" Dunham arguing in public with other women about who's

Yeah, I dunno. I guess I'm not really the target demographic for the "sexy people doing sexy things" element of the show. My understanding is that the show is about a quaint suburban town that has a wholesome veneer but a seedy underbelly. And, yeah, statutory rape is part of a seedy underbelly.

I agree with what you're saying. But I guess I disagree that the way the subject was handled in Dawson's Creek was poor because of not showing the older woman as being a "predator". I don't believe in that concept. Or at least not in it being universally applied. When I log into periscope and see grown adults with

Archie's dad is my favorite character. Luke Perry is doing such an amazing job. Some of the acting in the show is spotty (Betty?) but he's really grounding the whole thing.

I'm inclined to agree with you. I was also annoyed that they turned Chuck into a stereotypical black male predator. But I think they tried to balance it out by having another black boy quit the team when he heard of the playbook and by having the kid who confessed about the gunshot also be black.

I don't understand why people find the sex with the teacher thing so "uncomfortable". IT's been a major storyline in media for as long as there has BEEN media. You're not supposed to enjoy it. It's no different than the murder storyline. It's about exploring wrong behaviors that lay beneath the veneer of a town where

I disagree that you're supposed to be creeped out by the fact that Archie is being taken advantage of. I agree, though, that you're quite clearly not supposed to see their relationship as a good thing.

I found this episode hard to tolerate, as much as I'm loving this show. Ultra-liberal nonsense doesn't belong in television scripts because most of it doesn't even make sense when it's vomited up by Buzzfeed and HelloGiggles. As much as I utterly hate the phrase "slut shaming" (and "shaming in general) the show

Some of those jokes in the trailer were funny. The timing just seemed completely off. Is that an australian thing?

I once heard a woman on the /filmcast say something that I thought was very valuable in making sense out of the unreasonable response that feminist bloggers give to what seems like MOST movies that come out these days.

Well that's kind of my entire point. They actually HAVE played her character up correctly in the films, it's just been so subtle that most people haven't realized it. THat's what I meant when I said it might be a problem to give her her own movie.

She has other female characters she'd like to see and actively lobbies for.

I don't write the rules. I just interpret this insane world as I come across it.

That's fascinating.

They have already announced a Captain Marvel film, and that will star a Woman. Captain Marvel is their best female character "hero" character, in my opinion.