Brandon Smith

Actually some of my favorite comic book writers and artists like Amanda Connor or Sarah Pichelli are women. The difference between them, who actually WORK in the industry CREATING comics and feminist bloggers who just sit around nagging and complaining is that one is actually involved in a process and the other is

It's not an "argument", it's a reality. You can read a blog post from a supposedly feminist blogger who clearly has no idea of subject matter she's talking about and get one perspective, and then see a video by, say, Comic Book Girl 19 on Youtube, who IS a comic book reader, and see an entirely DIFFERENT point of view.

As someone who grew up reading comics books since I first learned to read, I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with female superheroes or the idea of female superhero movies.

I know. her portrayal in Winter Soldier especially was spot on and fantastic. But I don't think people want a whole movie out of that. Hence why I think they were saying that they didn't know how she would be able to carry a whole movie without other characters to interact with.

I think that the problem with doing a Black Widow movies is that it wouldn't be the movie people would "want" it to be and still stay true to the character in the comics. I think people, a lot of these feminist people who keep nagging about her having her own movie, want her to get the Wonder Woman treatment. They

You are, of course, entirely right. But I think it might be a little backwards from what you say.

Sure. But will it do any good? Probably not. The people who send internet death threats do it because it's anonymous and they think it's funny or makes them feel good, for whatever reason. It's also why they call SWAT attacks on Youtubers, or whatever.

Death threats certainly are not cool. They're not funny. They're not clever. But they ARE ubiquitous.
I'm just tired of hearing people act like they are being singled out and treated so terribly worse than anyone else because someone sent them an online death threat.
There was a viral story a while back about a

That wouldn't solve anything.
The important thing to understand about "nerds" or "geeks" or whatever, is that they (we) are defined by the fact that they care about things way more than is reasonable.
Nothing is going to change the "culture". It's people's whole personalities. I think perhaps more people are nerd now

I will be thrilled when people realize that internet death threats are like pennies on the ground. They're everywhere, and if you come across one, It doesn't mean you're special as much as it might make you FEEL like you're special.
Minority on the internet? You're going to get death threats.
Find yourself in the wrong

I don't dislike Binks as a character. I think the most problematic thing about him is that he is a Loony Tunes character. They animate him in such a way as to have him inhabiting this completely separate universe with it's own physics and rules. It's awful.

well, that story isn't exactly relevant to what's being discussed in the article.

Right. That's when the shift happened. With Nintendo carts, hardware to make the games better was included inside the cartridges. The " FX Chip" being a great example of this. Certain SNES games were retailing for 70 dollars, or so, but that was not the norm. There was not a standardized price for games, at that

Everything was weirder back then. It seemed like scrimping and maximizing profits wasn't as big a deal as it is now.

Without the internet, getting things in order to sell them would have been a difficult proposition. Obviously you could sell anything for the right price, but flipping something as bizarre as a 500 dollar Barney might be extremely difficult.

The government assesses a "prize tax" to anything you win. Even if what you win isn't dollars. So if you go on a gameshow, for instance, and win a new car, you have to pay the government cash out of your own pocket to keep that car. Obviously it's best to win cash, then, since it can just be subtracted from your

Well I guess we will see. But I absolutely think they will say that they are inhumans, if not just in the way they did in SHIELD. "blah blah blah.. something… inhuman".

Drink? I was thinking "facepalm".

I mean, heck, I totally agree with you that the movie seems overloaded with characters. But clearly they appear. And if they will explain them in some capacity. I mean, I think you're right, they aren't going to go into all the exposition about the Inhumans are, which is exactly why they're doing it in Agents of

I disagree 100%. Marvel doesn't own the rights to the filmic version of "mutants", which I'm sure you already know. Quicksilver already has an attachment to the Inhumans in the comics, being in love with and having a child with one. It makes too much sense for continuity's sake to have Quicksilver appear in both the