Brandon Smith

I foresee them doing something with Skye to dirty her up a little bit and then bring Ward back so they can have a relationship where he's all "see? we're the same".

I thought Hydra Ward was awesome. I think the lame-ness of the first half of season 1 only made the show that much better when it flipped.

Well, obviously the movie isn't out yet, but they are clearly going to be Inhumans. That's why Marvel made the bizarre twist of making them no longer children of Magneto in the comic books. Moreover, that's clearly why shield is currently leaning heavily on the Inhuman storyline.

The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are going to be Inhumans in the new Avengers film.

I have a complete opposite opinion on this episode than the author. It seemed like 30% infodump on a bunch of lore that seems like it would be terribly difficult to follow if the viewer wasn't already familiar with the Inhumans, from the comic, or had been paying ultra close attention to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I STRONGLY doubt that Skye is any recognizable Marvel character. We've known her real name isn't Sky for ages. In season one, she comments that she named herself Skye, and has no last name. The name given to her by her orphanage was "Mary Sue", which I think was a joke about the fan reaction to her character. (And a